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University of Mumbai 2006 M.C.A Computer Aplications - Question Paper

Wednesday, 17 July 2013 05:05Web

MCA - Sem one May 2006

tv (TA Serr*- x    fciiffc *0 '    8

C0N/1744-06.    BB6795

(3 Hours }    [ Total Marks : lOO

n.b. : (J.> Question iio.1 is compulsory-

(2) Attempt: any four quest ions from the rreitiaining siae questions,

1 . (a) ft hat is a storage class? Explain the different storage classes

with an example.    .    (10)

(b) Write a program ro display first n Fibonacci numbers    (10)

2- {a) What is structure? How to initialize structure variable? Explain

with suitable example    (jQ)

(b) Write a program tcf read I 0 numbers from key board and display

them in ascending order.    (10)

3.    {a) (i) What is tmcondital branching? Explain with suitable example

00 List and explain data types supported by C language    ( 14)

(b) Write program to swap 2 numbers using a function    (6)

4.    Write any four from the following    . (20)

(i) Difference between Actual parameters and formal parameters <ii) Difference between Call by value and Call by referaice

(iii) Difference between Union and Structure .    . (iv) Write a short note on Preprocessor directives    

.    (v) Difference between Stack and Queue

(vi) What is pointer ? How to declare a pointer ? Explain with a suitable example.

5.    What will be the output of the following (201



ini a=3,bfc; b= a; c= a;

pri n tf(\n %<3%d %d ,a,b,c);


(ii)    msin()



-    for(i= 1 ;i<= 10 i-*-+)

' {

p r i n tlTC1 Vn%d %c", a[ i ] ,ari J );

' )


(iii)    main()


char c[2]=,,A>; print fi\n%c,c{0]); priFitfi-!'\ni.s,',c);


(iv)    mein()


char s[]="Mumbad<;vi; char t[25J; char *sU*tf; sl = s;

whi le(*sl-n-=*t J-t-4-J;



   6- (a) What is Stack data structure? Explain the operations on linked list

with suitable example.    (10)

(b) WhJt is linked list? List and explain the operations on linked list. ( 1 0)

-    7. (a) Wri:e a program to accept data from the key board and write it into

a fife.    (lo;)

(b) Write a program to reverse the words of a input of line or'text as

follows Input: Rama is good boy output : boy good is Rama. (10) ~

ca. em-X.    JEX* oi-Hn hifzavg


CON/5113-05 .

< 3 Hours )    t Ttotci1 Marita : lOO

"    Queslion no. 1 is cmiipulw'y.    

2} Answer any four questions (rani QuesliOi5 Nos2 to_7:    .

<3) A3fc Questions carry equal marks.

1 fa} Define and explain control structures in C language.    10

(b) Whiil is a Stonge tiass What arc (ho different starve classes? Explam with suitable example. lO


(b) Write a program to fill elements in an array A in spiral way of size NXM (c.S. ray A of Size AXS is to be filled in following way)    1

2    3 4    5

14    15 16 H 6

13    20    19 IS    

12    II    10 9    S



2. (a) Wbt is pointer? How to declare pointer? How call by reference is achieved usm pointers?

ay C


3 (a) What is a structure? How to define and initialize structure vriabl*? How to pass structure variable

bv value and by reference to function?    ..........10

fb) Write a program to reed information of 50 employees (name, id, i>M.c_salary, allowances, S. net) thro keyboard and display the records in ascending order sorted on id of an employee. 10

4. (a) Writing functions avoids rewriting the same code over and over. Comment.

(b) "Arrays are always passed by refersntc. Comment.

(cj Write a program to find the rogLS of quadratic equation.

(d) Write a program to count no of characters and words in a Ji re of text.    sjt*


5 Find the output of following C code segment

(a)    mainO

{ intp=l;


{ primes %rf,p): p++; >


(b)    main() f

int 1=0; for(;J ;)

prin[\n Eveiybody likes C language);


(c)    main{)

{ hit k j=2;

.    switch(k=j+l)

f case 0: printfl\nTailor 0>; case I; printflTVrtTaiior I ); case 2; printfl!\nTailor 2'); case 3: printflWTailor 3); . default:primfiNo one likes C lartf>uagcQ;


(d)    struct mess

{ int niim;    

char mess I [50];

char mess 1[5 ];    "

}mi={2,lf you are driven by success,

Make sure that it is a quality drive"


mainO { struct mess m2,m3; m2=ml;

m3=m;    .

printfi,,'ui %d s/oS.Vos ,m I .rum,m2.mcssl ,m3.mess2);

6. (a) Explain in detail the advantages of Link List over arrays    10

(b) Write a function to delete a node of a given circular doubly link list, Tiie nodes are arranged in ascending order on info part of node. ( implement DeleteHeader. n) where the node containing info=n is to be delated )    -10

7* fa) Define and explain Queue data structure. Implement operations performed on Queue.    10

(b) Define the problem Towers of Hanoi and give the solution. What data structure could t>e used to solve the problem? How?    10

Con. 1687-OS.    BB-6807

[3 Hours)    E Total Marks : 100

N.B. (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.

{2) Answer any four out of remaining six questions.

(3)    Figures to the right indicate mark.

(4)    Answers io questions should be grouped and written together i,e. all answer to sub-question of individual question like Q. Nos. 1, 2, 3 etc. should be.answered one below the other.

1, (a) Name four Popular operating System. Describe the main feature of any

one of them.    (10)

1.(b)    What are Application program ? What are the differences between an application program and system programs ? Cite any two examples of each.

2.    (a) Draw a Block diagram showing internal. Architecture of e ither 8085 or

SOS6 Microprocessor ? Give any five difference between 8085 or 8086 microprocessor,    .    .    (15)

-    2 (b) List & Explain the functions Sl components of a computer.    (05)

3- (a) Describe the different types of input and output device of personal    (10)


3.    (b)What are PROM, EPROM, UVEPROM, EEPROM. What is the    (10)

different between Static and dynamic RAM?

4.(a)    What are the compilers ? How are they different from interpreters? (10) Compare the features of compiler Sl interpreter .

4.(b)    Explain the drawbacks Sc difficulties in writing programs in low    (10) level language.

5r (a) What is the need of programming language ? Give the classification

of programming language in detail ?    * '

5.    (b) Explain the role of computer in scientific application.    )

5.    (c) List &. explain types of Computer.    (5)

6.(a)    What are differences between the LAN and WAN? Describe the    (15) layering Concept in the OSI model of network architecture

with function of each layer in brief.

6. (b) Describe floating point representation of number.    (05)

X (a) Explain the evaluation of Microprocessor.    (8)

1. (b) Write a Short note on. :

i) Data as resources, ii) TCP/ IP,

iii)Use of Internet.________

-.L    /n/MDX-

MCA .Senft-X    f 1



( 3 Hours )    E Total KjmtXs : 100

N.B, (I) Question No 1 is Compulsory.

(2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining six questions.

1, Explain the role of an operating system with rcspcct to following functions:-    (20)

i) Process Management iij Memory Management iii J File Management ivJ Security

vj Command Interpretation,

2.(A)    What are the advantages & limitation of high level languages as compared

to machine &, assembly languages ?    (10)

(B) What is meant by network topology ? Describe three commonly used network (10) topology with their relative advantages & disadvantages,

3.    (A) What is WWW browser? What types of navigation facilities are typically    (10)

supported by modern browsers to help users save time while Internet surfing 7

(B) Differentiate between input & output devices .Can a device be used as    (10)

both an input &, output devices ? If no , explain why. If yes , give an example of such a device.

4.    (A) What are Computers? Explain the characteristics &. classification of computer

With Suitable example.    (12)

(B) Give differences between 80S5 & 8086 microprocessor .    (8)

5.    (A) What is a compilers Sl Assemblers? Why is it required? A computer supports five

high level languages . How many compilers will computer have?    (12)

(B) Give an example to illustrate the relationship among a character, a field,    (8)

, a record, & a file.

6.    (A) What axe PROM, EPROM, UVEPROM,EEFROM'iWhat is difference    (8)

between static & dynamic RAM ?    

(B)    What is meant by internetworking ? What are the main issues in internetworking?

Explain the difference among the following terms,

*> Bridges *> Router

*> Gateway.    (?)

(C)    Explain in detail types of Software. Give two example of each,    <5)

7.    (A) Write a short note on :    (12)

a.    Data Processing

b.    TCP/IP

c.    Main functions of CPU

(B) Find the binaty difference    (4)

1) 1 1 0 1 2) 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1

- ] 0 1 1 -10101000

C) Convert Octal to Hcxadccimai _    (4)



CON/1831-06,    BB-6802

( 3 Hours J    { Total Marks : 100

N.B, : (1) Question No,l is con|)ul3ory.

(2)    Answer any four from the remaining Q. Nos. 2 to 7.

(3)    All qjeations carry equal marks*

(4)    Figures to the right indicate marks.

L(a) Convert die following expression to Sum-of-product form-

(A" + C) (A+ B+ C) (A + B1)    (5)

(b)    Write GRAY code for decimal numbers 0 4o 15 and explain where it is used.    (5)

(c)    Draw the block diagram of DMA.    (5)

(d)    Draw instruction cycle state diagram along with indrect sub cycle.    (5)

2r(a) Mat are interrupts? Explain a complete instruction cycle with interrupts, using

Diagrams.    .

(b) Write in details about any five commonly used Performance Evaluation

Techniques.    0)

3. (a) Discuss bus structure, bus types and methods of Arbitration.    (10)

(b) Discuss the various addressing modes available.    (10)

4    (a) Discuss 'with the help of a diagram the functioning of an I/O Module.    ( 10) (b) Discuss briefly the mapping functions in Cache memory.    (10)

5    (a) With Reference to RISC, discus the following -    (10)

(i)    One instruction per Cycle.

(ii)    Register to register operations

(b) Explain the working of Associative memory.    (1 )

6    (a) Write a detailed note on Six Stage instruction pipeline and the effect of

Conditional branches on the same operation.    0 0)

(b) Compare Asynchronous and Synchronous transmission    (10)

7    (a) Discuss the various Sup erscalar Instruction Issue Policies.    ( 10) (b) What are the types of Parallel processing systems?    (10)

CCH/4S3605.    BB6449

( 3 Hoars )     Total Marks ; loo

SUE, ; {1) Question No.l is compulsory,

(2)    Attempt any four from the remaining ttos. 2 to 7.

(3)    All questions carry equal marks.

<4) Figures to the right indicate full marlis.

1*    ii Using K-Maps, simplify the expression in four variables    5

F(A,B,CtD) = ABD + ABC + B*CDT + ABC'D +


iij Convert Binary number 10110 Gray Code number.    5

"    ij Draw the block diagram of an I/O Module.    5

ii) What are Flip-Flops? Discuss their basic properties..- , 5

2,    Ca) What are interrupts? Explain a complete instruction cycle with. 1 10

interrupts, using diagrams.    J

<b) Compare and contrast B3SC Vs. CISC design Philosophy.    10

3.    (a) Discuss the various Superscalar Instruction Issue Policies,    10 ibJ . -

i) Write a short note on Mapping Functions in Cache    S

Memory.    "

iii Discuss the following addressing modes with diagrams: j 5

1. Register Indirect

2- Displacement

*** Ca) Discuss any five commonly used Performance Evaluation    10 Techniques.

tb)    _

ij Explain in details the functioning of any two levels of    5 RAID.

il) Write a short note on Half Adder Circuit.    5

5- (aj Write a detailed note on Six Stage instruction pipeline and the    10

effect of conditional branch on the same operation..

0 '

ij Name tlie categories of Parallel Computers given by

FJvnn. Draw the diagram for each,    5

ii) Discuss the different Bus Types.    5

6. (a) Discuss 4 to 1 multiplexer using Truth Table. Draw its    10

implementation using appropriate gates.


il Write a short note on Associative Memory.    5

iij Depict diagrammatically a Microprogrammed Control    S

Unit. .

7 Ca) Discuss in devils tlie functioning of a DMA.    10

tbj . .    ;

ij Compare Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission    5

iij Write a short note on any one Optical Memory.    5

ISACA Sem.' X    P ute* M

1*1 Kite's 5

Con, 1679-06.    BB-6604

(3 Hours)    [Total Marks : 100

N.B. (1) Question No. 1 is compulsory.

{2) Answer any four out of remaining six quesilons.

(3)    Assume any necessary data but justify the same.

(4)    Figures to the right indicate marks.

3? 1. a) <i) Obtain a disjunctive normal form of .(PvQ)->(P/\Q).    [5]

(ii) Let 0=12,8,14,18). Define a relation R by xRy if and only if x-y>5.

Draw the digraph of R. Give Mr,    [5]

b) {i} Determine whether the following set A together the binary operation * is a semigroup, monoid or neither. If it is a monoid, specify the identity. If it is a semigroup or a monoid determine whether it is commutative.    [5]

A= Set of all positive integers, a*bmax{a,b} i.e. bigger of a and b.

(ii) Define isomorphism of graphs. Give one example of isomorphic graphs.


2. a) (i) Using truth table show that (P(QvR))=((P>Q)v (P-R)). [5]

(11) Let P be the proposition It is raining5*, Q be the proposition I have time% and R be the proposition I will go to a movie. Translate the _    following sentences into prepositional forms using logical connectives. [5] .

If it is not raining and I have time then I will go to a movie.

It is raining; and I will not go to a movie.

.    It is not raining.

I will not go to a movie.

I will go to a movie only if it is not raining.

b) (1) Let A be a collection of subsets of a set S. Show that (A,c) is a poset.

Draw Hasse diagram when S={a,bTc}.    1C]

3. a)(i) Using the principal of induction prove that    E5]

,1 2    1 (n + ij(2tf + l)

I3-t-22+3J H----+ n =


(ii) Can we conclude S from the following presses?    [5]

! (i) P->Q    

(ii)    P~R

(iii)    -l(QaR)

(iv)    SvP

b) (i) Write aegation of    [5]

(1)    All men are animals.

(2)    Some men are animals.    

(3)    If it snows, then they do not drive the car.    

(4)    No teacher is a millionaire.

(5)    Mala is not good.

4. a)Find minimum spanning tree using Prims algorithm. Start with node A.




b) Let A={1,2>3}4), R=i(l,2)s(2J3),(3,4)I(2,l)i- Find the transitive closure of R. Use Warshails algorithm.    [10]

* 5. a) (i) Consider the group G={ 1,2,3,4,5*6} under multiplication modulo 7f Find the multiplication table of G. Find 2'\ 3, 6'1.    [5]

, (ii) Let G be a group of real numbers under addition and G be the group of

positive numbers under multiplication. Let f:G-+G* be defined by f(x)=ex. Show that f is an isomorphism from G to G.    [5]

   2 5

b) (i) Defme group code. Show that (2 ,5) encoding function e' B ->B defined by e(0Q)=Q0000, e(01)=011l05 e( 10)10101, e(ll>=11011 is a group code.    [5]

(ii) Consider the (2,4) encoding function e as follows. How many errors will e detect?    [5]

e(0G) = 0000 e(0l) = 0110 e(10)=1011 e(l 1)1100

ft 6. a) (i) Defme weight of a codeword Find the weights of the following.

(1)*=010000 (2) x=11100 (3) x=00GG0 (4)x=lllll    [5]

(ii) Construct the state transition table of the finite state machine whos$ diagraph is shown:    [5]

---ksi)? 1

C-JS*; HlH0t-pfi5

' Con. 1679-B8-68(M06.     3    '

b) (i) Let the state transition table for a finite state machine be    [5]






s, .



Si "






List values of the transition function fw for (1) w-01001 f (2) w=l 1100.

(ii) Let V={vo,w,aJb,c], Sac} and h4 be the relation on V* given by (l)voJavob (2)vobH>bw (3)abwi-c Let G={V,StV0, l-) be the corresponding phase structure grammar. Determine the form of allowable sentences m L(G).    [5]

7. a) Determine whether the relation R on a set A is reflective* irreflective, symmetric, asymmetric, antisymmetric or transitive. Give necessaiy explanation to your answer.    [ 10]

A= Z; set of all integers, and aRb iff a<b+l.

b) Find the critical path in the Mowing PERT graph.    [ 1OJ

N.B. ; 1) Question No.l is corrpolsory,

( 3 Hours )

(2) Actecrpc any four questions out of the- remaining six questions. {3J Assume any necessary ctat a but justify the same-

i_ (a) (i) Obtain a disjunctive normal form of Pv(tP>(Qv(Q* -iR)))    *

c ro

(H) Let A=set of real numbers . We define the following relation R on A.

~ = i. Find R(x) and

xRy if and only if x and y satisfy the equation R(i)

(b) (i) Determine whether the set of even integers together with the binary operation a*b= is a semigroup, a monoid or neither. If it is a monoid, specify the identity. If it is a semigroup or a monoid determine whether it

is corn mutative.

(ii) Show that following graphs are isomorphic.


(a) (i) Using truth tables show that (P*{Q>R))K(P>Q)*R)) is a tautology.



ii) Let P be the proposition 'It is raining. Q be the proposition I have time, and R be the proposition I will go to a movie. Translate the following sentences into propositional forms.

(1)    If it is not raining and I have time then I will go to a movie.

(2)    It is raining and I will not go to a movie.

(3)    It is not raining.

(4 I will not go to a movie.

(5) I will go to a movie only if, it is not raining.

Cb) Let A={ 1,2,3,4,12} and R be defined by aRb if and only if alb. Show



tiiat R is a partial order relation oil A. Draw the Hasse diagram of R.

Ca) fi) Using mathematical induction prove that

, 3    i /r(n-1-1)2

1J +2+3 +-- + * =

(ji) Check the validity of the following arguments.

Tf Ram has completed M.C.A or M.B.-A, then he is assured a good job. If Ram is assured a good job, he is happy. Ram is not happy. So Ram has not completed M.B.A.

Cb) (i) Let the universe of discourse be D={0, 1, 2,    Let Q(x,y) be the

statement x+yx-y. Determine the truth values of the following.

(I)Q(U),    (2)3y Vx Q()i;y)    (3) Vy 3x Q{x3y),

(4) 3x QIX2)    (5) Vx By Q(x,y)    [ TURN OVER

(.ii) Explain with suitable examples: Eulcrian and Hamiltonian graphs.


a'Jii) Construct a tree representing the following algebraic expression    

(3*(2-x)) 4 l (7-(y f2))) x(7f (jy)))

ii) Find strong components, unilateral components and weak components /S" J in the following digraph.    *


1 0 0

1 1 0 0 I 0

0 0 1

1 0 1

0 Let R be the relation whose matrix is

0    I 0 0 t

1    1 D 1 0

Find i) the reflective closure of R. ii) the symmetric closure of R.

a) (i) Let S=-Sxjx is a real number and xO, Jt-l}. Consider the following functions fi:S>S, 1=1,2,,6;


f,(x)=x, -f2(x)=l-x, f(x)=-, ft(x>f ,

X    I -I'

JC    X 1

Show that G={fi, fi, fj, ft, fs, ff,i is a group tinder the operation of composition. Give the multiplication table of G.


b) Define group code. Test whether the following (2,5) encoding function is a group code?


e(00) = 00000, e(I0)= 10101, e(01) = 01110, e(11)= 11011 Define minimum distance of an encoding function. Find the minimum distance of the above encoding function. How many errors will ii detect?

n 0 1

1 0

be a parity check matrix.

a) CO Let H-

i o

0 1

Determine the (3,5) group code e[j:Bs->Bi.

ii) Draw the diagraph of the machine whose state transition table is shown beiow. Remember to label the edges with appropriate inputs.






























sj ;



List values of the transition function fw for (i) wOlOOl, (ii) w=1110(X

ii) Let S={Rames1i, Seema, drives Jogs, carelessly, rapidly, frequently}

N= (sentcncc, noun, verbphase, verb, adverb) and let V=SuN.

Let v(1=sentejice, and suppose that the relation (- on V* is described by

sentence noun verbphrase no ii n iRamesh noun Seema verbphrase i verb adverb verb t-* drives verb \- jogs adverb h-> carelessly adverb j rapidly adverb t-$ frequently

Write the above productions using BNF notations.

7 - a) Determine whether the relation R on a set A is reflective, irreflective,

symmetric, asymmetric, antisymmetric or transitive. Give necessary t<Q explanation to your answer.

A set of all positive integers, aRb iff GCDa?b)=i.

b) Find the critical path in the following PERT graph.    C?3

M CA -Sc~-X    MC    'S iw*Y,

Cnn. 1749-06.    BB-679S

(3 Hours)    [Total Marks : 100

N.B. ; (1) Question Mo, 1 is compulsory.

(2)    Attempt any two from question Nos. 2 to 4.

(3)    Attempt any two from question Nos, 5 to 7.

(4)    Attempt the-question for accounting and managerial economic separately.

fS) Alii questions carry* equal marks,    "

1. (a) (i) Define managerial economics with definition.    

(ii) B-E Analysis.    .

(b) Following is the Triai Balance of M/s. ABC. prepare Trading A/c, Profit and Loss A/c for th year 14 ended 31-3-2006 and also Balance Sheet as on that date :

Trail Blance as on 31-3-206.

Particulars Debit    Credit

Travelling Expences 8,500    '    

Rent Received    4,000

Carriage Inward 13,000    

Debtors 16,000    

Creditors    21.000

Office Premises 25,000    

Salary and Wages 9,000    

Purchases 1,21,000        .

Sales    2.04,000

Capital    44.250

Drawings 7,000    

Printing and Stationery 3,000    

Octroi 5,800    

Commission (Given) 2,000    

Safes Return 2,000    

Cash in Hand 1,700    

Cash at Bank 14.500    

Stock on 1-4-2005 21,000    

Machinery 16p000    

Fixed Deposit 11,000    

Interest Received    3.250

2,76,500    2,76,500

Stock on 31-3-2006 was values at Rs. 10,000/-.

2.    (a) Explain the following concepts    '    10

(i)    Fixed Cost and Variable Cost

(ii)    Direct Cost and Indirect Cost

(iii)    Production Cost and Selling Cost

(iv)    Internal Economies and External Economies.

(b) Draw diagram of the following cost curves and explain their nature.    10


3.    (a) Explain the main features of oligopoly market.    to

(b) What do you mean by price Discrimination ? 10

4.    Write short notes (any four)    20

(i)    Methods of Demand Forecasting

(ii)    Responsibilities of Managerial Economist

(iii)    Delphi Method

(iv)    Law of Supply

(v)    Law of Demand.

(b) From the following information given by the Accountant, prepare a Bank Reconciliation statement as on 31-3*2006, cash book balance Rs. 15,000/- :

(i)    The following cheques were issued but not get presented for payment.

(a)    Cheque in favour of Mrs, Rani for Rs. 300/- dated 27th March, 2006.

(b)    Cheque in favour of Mrs. Rajani for Rs. 3000V- on 31 st March, 2006.

(ii)    The following cheques were paid into the bank cleared and credited by the bank on the dates mentioned,

(a)    A cheque from Mr. John Rs. 1000/- cleared on 1st April, 2006.

(b)    A cheque from Mr. Singh Rs. 750/- cleared on 5th April, 2006.

(ii) The Bank has, as per standing instruction, paid Insurance premium for Rs, 300/- on 26th March, 2006, the bank intimation was received on 5th April, 2006.

(iv) The Bank has received from clients Rs. 3,500/- being the collection on account on 26th April 2006, but credit intimation was received on 10th April, 2006 only.

(a)    Write a short note (any two )

(i)    Types of Account    '

(ii)    Types of Cash Book

(iii)    Suspense Account.    .

(b)    From the following particulars prepare cash book with cash, bank and Discount columns :

2006 Jan 1    Cash in Hand Rs. 2,000/

2    Bank Overdraft Rs. 30,000/*

3    issued a Cheque infavour of Rekha for Rs. 25,000/- in full Settlement of Rs. 26,000/

5    Received a Cheque from Sonu for Rs. 32,500/- in full settlement of Rs, 33,000/ -    aqd deposited the cheque into Bank,

7 Received an advice from the Bank stating that the Bank has paid Rs. 250/- on account of Insurance premium.    '

9 Paid to petty cashier Rs. 100/-

7. (a) Match the following




Assets, are equal or more than his liabilities




Goods sold




Brief Explanation




Amount withdrawn by Trader




Amount invested in business




Who owes something




Properties owned by a person




Summarised Record.

(b) Journalise the following Transations in the books of Baru :

2008 Jan. 1    Baru started business with cash 4,00.000/

3    Purchased goods for cash 5,000/5    Sold goods for cash 3,000/

6    Purchased motorcar for cash 1,50,000/22    Received Commission 1,200/25    Purchased a building on credit from Veeru 2,00,000/-

3<s/n !*> u. -    /* >. t

- B 3-6 440 [Total Marks : 100



(3 Hours)

M    r' .


Con. 4838'05.

N.B. : (1)    Question No. 1 is compulsory.

()    Solve any two questions from Q. No* 2 to Q. No. 4.

(3)    Solve any two questions from Q. No. 5 to Q. No. 7.

(4)    Attempt questions for Accounting and Managerial Economics separately and Iii sequence.

(5)    All questions carry equal marks.

(6)    Make required assumptions and state them clearly,

(a)    Write short notes on the following (any two)


(I)    Responsibilities of Managerial Economist,

(II)    Break-even Analysis.

(Ui) Economies of Scale.

(b)    Mr. Rajesh has prepared the following trial balance as on 31-03-3005 :








2 S.000

Opening Stock


Discount received

a. ooo



Returns Outward




Capital Account


Printing and Stationery


Bills Payable




Carriage Inward


Carriage Outward


Discount Allowed


Sad Debts


Returns Inward










Bank blance




.02,000 .

Additional Information ;    -

. (i) Closing stock as on 31-03-2004 was valued at cost Rs. 16,000/-. Market price Of tfie sarna was Rs. 17,600/-.

. (ii) . Rent'of Rs. 1.000A was outstanding as on 31-03-2005.

Prepare Trading and Profit and Loss account for the year ended on 31-03-2005 and also a Balance sheet as on that date.

(a) Define price elasticity of demand and distinguish between its various types. Discuss the role of price e fasti city of demand In business decisions,

(0) Explain briefly how the demand for a commodity is affected by changes in price, Income, price of substitute, advertisement and population.

(a)    What is demand forecasting ? How do you estimate demand for a new product ?

(b)    In short run cost analysis, explain with diagram giving reasons the foltowing statement. "The MC curve intersects both the AVC curve and ATC curve at their minimum points".

(a)    Distinguish between Perfect competition and monopolistic competition. Explain and illustrate the conditions for the establishment of firms equilibrium under perfect competition.    

(b)    Explain the term price discrimination. How is price determined in a discriminating monopoly ?







5. (a) Journalize the loUowlng transactions In the Books of Mr. Suyash :    '

(f) On 1-4-2005 stated business with cash of Rs, 47,000/-.

(ii)    On 2-4-2005 paid cash to Mr. Navin Rs. 6,000/-.

(iii)    On 4-4-2005 Sold goods worth Rs, 4,500/-.

(iv)    On 9-4-2005 bought goods of Rs. 7,500/- for cash,

(v)    On 12-4-2005 bought New Furniture on credit from Ms* Hutu Rs. 10,000/* by cheque No, &668SS,

(vi)    On 13-4-2005 withdrew goods worth Rs. 700/- for personal use.

(vii)    On 17-4-2005 goods distributed as free samples Rs. 1,000/*.

(viii)    On 21-4-2005 deposited cash into bank Rs* 5,000/-.

(b) Discuss :

(i) Objectives of cost accounting,

(il) Different types of cost.


Con. 4B38-BB*644(M)5,

6, (a) Write short note on any one :

(]) preparation of flexible Budget,


(ii) Any three functional budgets,

Record the following transactions in cash book with cash and bank column of Shn Raju.


Bote    Particulars

01    Cash balance Rs, 12,000/- and bank balance Rs. 5,000A.

02    Bank charged Rs. 10/- as cheque book charges.

04 Cash Sales Rs. 2,000/-.

06 Deposited Rs. 1,000/-into bank*

08 Propreitor Mr. Raju withdrew Rs. 100/- by cheque for personal usa.

16 Cashier gave sufficient cash to petty cashier to restore interest amount of Rs. 00/after checking petty cash expenses for the period which amounted to Rs, 180/-.

22 Paid electricity bill Rs. 150/- by cheque.

24 Cash purchases Rs. 1,800/*.

29 Banked Rs. 100/- being cash $ales of the day.    ,

M/s. Vishal Traders have a current account with Denaank, On 30-06-2005, the pass book disclosed a balance of Rs. 31,480/-, Prepare bank reconciliation statement as on 30-06-2005 and ascertain

7. (a)

balance as per cash book :    .

(i)    Cheques received from customers amounting to Rs, 8,000/- were deposited into bank on

28-06-2004 These cheques were collected by bank on 04-07-2004,

(ii)    Bank had collected a dividend of Rs. 150/- on 29*06-2004. it has remained to be recorded

in cash book.    

(iii)    Cheque issued to Ramesh of Rs. 1,500/- has been entered twice in the cash book.

(iv)    Cheques of Rs. 10,000/- issued to creditors on 20*06*2004 were not presented for payment

upto 30-06*2004.    .

(v)    Bank has debited charges of Rs. 40/- on 30-05*2004,These have not been recorded m cash

(vi)    Cheque of Rs. 2,000/- issued to SuniL was recorded in cash column of cash book,

(b) Write notes on any two of the following :

(i)    Cost accounting and its advantages,

(ii)    Cost center and cost uni!.

(iii)    Contra entry,    


   (a) Write short notes on any one    s

(i)    Budgetary Control

(ii)    Define any 3 Methods of Costing.


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