Vinoba Bhave University 2008 Post Graduate Diploma Journalism (Oriya) B.A part 2 English Honours - Question Paper
B.A part two English Honours
VHB E(4)
1. Answer any two questions of the following:
20x2 = 40
(a) Write an essay on the social and political conditions of England in the 13th Century. OR
Evaluate the contribution of the Historians to tha development of English prose during the 18th Century.
<b) Write a note on the Gothic Romances during the 18th Century.
Write a brief essay on the women novelists of the Nineteenth Century.
(c) Evaluate Alexander Pope as a leading poet of the 18th Century.
Write an t ssay on the impact of French Revolution on Romantic poetry.
(d) Discuss the growth and development of Criticism during the 18th Century
Write a note on Coleridge as a major poet of the Romantic period.
Group - B
2. Answer any three questions from the following: 20x3 * 60
(a) Write a note on the element of pathos in Sohrab and Rustum.
Attempt a character - sketch of Sohrab.
(b) Write a critical appreciation of Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice.
Justify the title of Jane Austens novel Pride and Prejudice.
(c) Discuss the autobiographical elements in David Copperfield.
" David Copperfield is a tale of joys and sorrows, ups and downs. Elucidate this statement with reference to the character of David Copperfield.
(d) Discuss the Importance of Being Earnest as a farce. QR
Compare and contrast the characters of Gwendolyn and Cecily.
(e) The Vision of Judgement is one of the finest of English political satires. Elucidate.
Attempt a character- sketch of Archangel Michael.
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