Vinoba Bhave University 2008 B.Sc Physics honours - Question Paper
VHB Ph (4)
Group - A
Answer any three questions of the following :
5x3 = 15
1. Define quadrupoie. Draw only figures of general quadrupole and linear quardrupole.
2. Derive an expression for torque on a dipole H placed in uniform electric field.
3. Explain the term electrical image. Write down its 12. two uses.
4. The dielectric constant of diamond is 16-5. Calculate the electrical susceptibility of diamond if 13 dielectric constant of Nracuum is 8.85*10-12 C2/N-m2
5. Define Norton's theorem.
6. What are power dissipation, Q-factor and power 14-factor ?
7. Explain briefly TTL logic family.
Group - B
Answer any four questions of the following : 0
15x4 = 60
8. Derive solution of Laplaces Equation in rectangular co-ordinate. Prove that potential <}> cant have a miximum or minimum value at any point which is not occupied by an electric charge.
9. Derive Clausius-Mossotti equation.
10. Derive relationship among electric intensity

electric polarisation P and electric displa-

Prove that ye = (K - 1)s0, Where Ve = Electric susceptibility K = Dielectric constant e 0 = Permittivity of vacuum.
State Ampere's circuital Law. Deduce it from Biot-Savert Law.
Derive an expression for the frequency of oscillation of the charging of a capacitor through resistance and inductance.
Define time constant. Discuss with detailed circuit diagram the principle and application of integrating and differentiating circuits.
What are acceptor and rejector circuits ? Give the theory of acceptor circuit mentioning its practical applications.
Describe, with vector diagram, the Anderson bridge method to determine inductance of a coil.
Describe, with circuit diagram, the realisation of NOT gate by transistor.
How AND, OR and NOT can be achieved separately by NAND and NOR ?
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