Vinoba Bhave University 2008 Bachelor of B.L VLA -Contract (1) - Question Paper
VLAContract (1)
1. Explain the essential ingredients of proposal and distinguish between an offer and an invitation to offer.
2. What do you understand by the term privity of contract ? With the help of relevant case-law discuss its exceptions.
3. What do you understand by doctrine of restitution? Discuss the scope of this doctrine in relation to minors agreement.
4. Define the term fraud' and discuss its essential ingredients. Distinguish between fraud and misrepresentation.
5. What do you understand by wagering agreement' ? With the help of relevant case-law discuss its essential ingredients. Distinguish between wagering agreement and contingent contract.
While staling (he various modes of discharge of contract discuss the grounds of discharge of contract by frustration. Refer to relevant case-
. With the help of provisions contained under the Indian Contract Act, 1872 explain, in brief, the situations wherein a person may incur contractual liability without having entered into any contract,
i. Write short notes on any two of the following:
(a) Intention (o create legal relationship;
(>) Capacity to contract;
|c) Unlawful objects; and Id) Remoteness of damage in case of breach of contract.
9. What do you understand by the expression specific performance of contract ? Discuss the circumstances under which the court may order for the specific performance of contract.
10. Define the term injunction and state its kinds. Distinguish between.temporary injunction and perpetual injunction.
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