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Vinoba Bhave University 2008 B.A Psychology B A honours - Question Paper

Friday, 01 February 2013 08:10Web


VHB Psy (3)


1.    Throw light on the nature of Social Psychology anfl discuss the relationship of Social Psychology with Sociology.    5+10 = 15

2.    Discuss interview as the method of Social Psychology.    15

3.    How attitude is formed ?    15

4.    What do you mean by Prejudice ? Suggest ways for the reduction of prejudice.    15

5.    Discuss the structure and functions of Group.

VHB Psy (3)


8+7= 15

6.    Discuss the main functions of leader. 1S

7.    Describe the socio-cultural determinants of prosocial behaviour.    15

9. How we can meet the challenges to the health of women and children ?    15

VHB Psy (3)


0. Write short notes on any two of the following : 7jx2= 15

(a)    Impression Formation

(b)    Traits of Leadership

(c)    Scope of Social Psychology

Discjss the social and personal determinants of aggression.    15


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