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University of Mumbai 2010-2nd Sem B.Sc Information Technology F.Y-(IT) - - Sub:ComputerGraphics, - Question Paper

Tuesday, 16 July 2013 07:15Web


DATE: 27-03-2010 MARKS:100
TIME: three HRS.

Note: 1. Attempt any five.
2. Draw diagrams wherever necessary. Marks

Q.1 a) discuss in detail about refresh CRT with suitable diagrams. (10)

b) discuss in detail DDA algorithm with an example. (10)

Q.2. a) What is scaling transformation. discuss with an example. (08)

b) elaborate various kinds of color CRT. discuss with diagrams. (08)

c) What is inside - outside test. discuss. (04)

Q.3 a) Write a note on raster scan systems. (08)

b) Write a note on boundary fill Algorithm. (08)

c) elaborate the text attributes. discuss . (04)

Q.4 a) discuss the different steps involved in Cohen-Sutherland line
dipping algorithm. (10)

b) Write a short note on character generation. (05)

c) Consider a line segment A (x1,y1)= 6,3) and B(x2,y2)=(8,6).
The clipping window values are xmin=2, ymin=2, xmax=7, ymax=6.
obtain the intersection point and clip the line against the clipping (05)

Q.5 a) discuss rotation transformation with an example. (10)

b) discuss in detail polygon clipping with an example. (10)

Q.6. a) discuss in detail about flat panel display. (10)

b) Write a detailed note on scanline polygon filling algorithm. (10)


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