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University of Rajasthan 2007 B.E Electronic Instrumentation & Control Engineer Electromagnetic Interference & Compatibility - Question Paper

Friday, 01 February 2013 04:45Web


(New 4 Year Semester Scheme)

(Exam. of 2007 held in Jan. 2008)

[Branch: Electronic Instrumentation & Control Engineering]

Paper VI


Time Allowed: 3 Hours

Maximum Marks-80

Attempt any 5 ques..
All ques. carry equal marks.

1.(a) What is EMI? discuss the EMI issue with example. [Marks:8]

(b) elaborate the basic differences ranging from conducted and radiated emission? [Marks:8]

2. define the EMI control techniques. [Marks:16]

3. discuss the test instrumentation for emission and susceptibility testing. [Marks:16]

4.(a) define the EMI analysis. [Marks:8]

(b) discuss the voltage probes and current probes. [Marks:8]

5. discuss the spectrum analyzer, LISN and Antennas TEM cell. [Marks:5+5+6]

6. discuss the case studies of a few EMI issues in PCBs and high frequency ICs. [Marks:16]

7. Write short notes on any two:-

(a) Electrostatic Discharge

(b) Errors in EMI testing

(c) EMC standards and specifications. [Marks:8*2]

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