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University of Mumbai 2007 B.A Sanskrit-II(il-07) - Question Paper

Friday, 12 July 2013 05:45Web


Con-43 & (a)-07.    lrYr\V U /f--JL-945


( 3 Hours)    [Total Marks : 100

N.B. (1) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

(2) Answers to the two sections should be written in the same answer book.

Section l/fTFT ?

[    I, II, HI, X (selected portion) ]

1.    (a) Explain with reference to the context any three of the following :    18

-cb>ic4ji WM

(i)     cn:, cTFT THRT)l rR     H    I

(ii)    3tw    I    inmrrwTRcn i

(iii)    3T5T cTteqT JI d 14/1 id 3nmfTWT    |

(iv)    fRZRi    I ft<*>I I

(v)    "snfNrT Hfci c5iun    i

(b) Write paragraphs on any two of the following :    

xjyqnrt    fcT

(i)    of    TFRT/nTraTra'I

'    (ii) 3TTOFTT

(iii)    3TfcnBTURK:

(iv)    dMKM

2.    Explain 1: TRffcT and cbl-cilt-tlnd    as Kavyapraoyojana-s    -jq

'dfd 3TTfT    TO 3RT.


T%fcRT    / Explain /TO TT.

3.    (a) Explain any three of the following 3Tk-s :


<aW>1    rfhT 37cR FT2 TT :-

(i)    3qRFRT:


(iii)    ffefar    '

(iv)    cRT


(b) Distinguish between /Wfi TO =RL WTT-rfR: / Or 3T2T

Section II/fTFT

[ 3TfRdo-Acts IV, V ]


4.    (a) Translate into your mothertongue any two of the following, giving explanatory notes wherever

necessary :-

WWUcb    fTT    TORTC RT.

(i)    WTrI dfd

3: wfclTfrt'q fli-d cf#T |

(ii)    cf iMtftsflFdMC'IW,

<TT5ft WTcRT TT ScfW TR: I


WRT: f cm: II


(iii)    3/)TrfcTST

fe5-?nicT    KM I c>HFcKH l-iv I

w mm

TTj WTfdftcjld'T 11

(iv)    *rr    wft vvniR wt TcStf1? jjc|tiI |


frfcfoF wm 11

(b) Explain with reference to the context any two of the following :    12

'OTrt    Wcb<u| TT :-

(i)    mff ftifcr ?

(ii)    3TfcP: Mm Tiff I    

(iii)    3TW5Jif[5 cdrfWR: I

(iv)         WHtfo I

5. Write paragraphs on any two of the following :    .12

chVlrll cfhfNR h[WS fT :-    -

(i)    Description of nature in IVth Act

3Tchiefly fwfwr.

(ii)    Blessing received by |c'-c1c$eil pHcdltfei 3TT?ftcrfc[.

(iii)    An advice by a priest ftfcll fcieil $1.

(iv)    Dialogue between -ci and 1 -cleiI    1

3-iiiu| iicleil I I cl s?TTe5e57 rMK.

Con-43 (a)-07.    JL-945


('3 Hours)    [ Total Marks : 100

N.B. (1) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

(2) Answers to the two sections should be written in the same answer book. (

Section l/fTFT ?

[Topics from Poetics ]

1.    (a) Write paragraphs on any two of the following :    -    20

cR    : -

(i)    cbcllPiRffcr: I

(ii)    I

(iii)    BfnteT: I

(b) Explain any two of the following terms with suitable examples :    10

*ffcT eft    ct    FTS tU : -

(i)    T%fcRT: 3Tsf: I

(ii)    mlTT I

(iii)    3#fqTT FRT I

2.    Write a detailed note on Kavyaprayojanas in Sanskrit poetics.    1q

'cb'loimisJIcAtf icijylHlqR TRR fefT.


Explain the definition of    according to

'Wdl WI'flR 3TSTefl cblllW) cZJTTI WZ TT.

Con-43(a)-JL-945-07.    3


3.    (a) Explain fully the Rasa theory of Bharatmuni.    10

wftfw    TO.


What is tcipjehioii ? Explain 3TTRrf with example. rch|5if TOT t Tp 3TTOl-ft tcfWI    TO.

Section ll/fwP7

[ 3TftMIIJVd--Act IV, V ]

4.    (a) Translate with explanatory notes on any two verses from the following .    10

FT-iic- fTT 3vT '(sJlcfl'3    WIcR TO

(i)    3rfcRcft    Wm

f <%cTFT yrfcfWTTJW I rfWrfMTfkT# WT

   rsf 'J|U|fWfl II

(ii)    ?3KTT

TcRT Tjf?fTTcft    |

fR W&i TcT: Mmfd: II


%3<T TT: fcRtx: ?

WRfft W "HI oRWWd -

fM: cTT : Tlirfd II

(b)    Explain with reference to the context any two of the following :

TsTTefte    TO :-

(i)    t5i T    : Ttfcfl Plfc! I

(ii)    TOlfiTTO: I

(iii)    c3? ftF:     ?

(c)    Explain any two 3Ttos from the following :    6 sUtflccb) hlult d[)w 3TcFK PT2 <+>(1. :-

(i) WFtpT: (ii)    (iii) 3W

5.    (a) Write paragraphs on any two of the following :    12

fT :-

(i)    Character sketch of pfl?5T/3ITe

(ii)    iw*?<<* and/ 3nfT wp

(iii)    Significance of Act VA\ TI 3Tchli h$t4.

(b) Explain fully [IN:    12

ufd: FT2 TO :- <feWT?.


Explain the terms    and



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