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University of Mumbai 2007 B.A athi-II(il-07) - Question Paper

Friday, 12 July 2013 04:50Web


Con.31-07.    a _ \ (S "~7    PK-250 ( 3 HouiT)    I Total Marks : 100

N.B. (1) Attenpt any five questions from Section I Part A, two questions from Section I Part B.

(2) Q. No. 15 is compulsory.

Section I Part A    (Marks 50)

1.    Define Value. Discuss the meaning of generosity.    10

2.    Explain different causes of intergroup conflicts in India and various 10 measures to resolve them.

3.    Explain the traditional and modern attitudes towards women.    10

4.    Analyse the causes for rising national debt. Also suggest ways to of deal 10 with this problem.

5.    Have the government strategies succeeded in dealing with illiteracy ?    10 If not, suggest alternatives to these schemes,

6.    Explain the main problems of the aged.    10

7.    What is mean by 'handicap' ? Write a note on physically handicapped.    10

8.    Suggest remedies to the problem of corruption.    10

9.    What are the causes and effects of water pollution.    10

10.    Write short noteon any one of the following    10

(a)    Effects of Smoking.

(b)    Effects of Unemployment.    *

(c)    India's Population Policy.

Part B    (Marks 20)

11.    Discuss the relative importance of heredity and environment in 10 personality.

12.    What is maturity ? State criteria of maturity.    10

13.    Discuss how does vocational guidance play an important role in career 10 planning.

14.    Bring out the main elements of effective listening.    10

Section II (Marks 30)


15.    (a) Comment on any seven of the following    14

(1)    India's dream of becomming Super power by 2020.

(2)    Bomb blast in Mumbai trains.

(3)    Indo-Pak Peace initiative.

(4)    Heavy rain-disaster management.

(5)    Space Shuttle-Discovery.

(6)    Noise pollution and court verdict.

(7)    Dynastical politics.

(8)    Suicides by farmers.

(9)    National knowledge commission.

(10)    Plastic bags and Environmental problems.

'(b) State whether the following statements are true or false    6

(1)    Dr. Mungekar is Vice-Chancellor of Mumbai University.

(2)    23rd December is celebrated as World Aids Day.

(3)    Vice-President of India is a member of Rajyasabha.

(4)    Kathakali is a dance from Orissa.

(5)    Dada Saheb Phalke award is the most prestigious literary award.

(6)    The Chandra Shekhar government was the most short-lived one in the history of India.

(c) Answer any ten in one sentence each    10

(1)    Who is the Chief Justice of India ?

(2)    Write the name of Chief Minister of Bihar.

(3)    What is the long form of I.C.I.C.I. ?

(4)    Which day is celebrated as World Environment Day ?

(5)    Who is the Chairman of Planning Commission ?

(6)    Who has invented telephone ?

(7)    Who is the Education Minister of Maharashtra ?

(8)    Write the name of Miss World 2006.

(9)    Name the Director of the film-Rang-de-Basanti.

(10)    Which Indian lady was selected by NASA for the 10th Space Mission ?

(11)    Who is the governor of R.B.I. ?

(12)    Write the full form of SEBI.

(13)    State the name of the author of a famous book 'Panipat'.

(14)    Who is a governor of Maharashtra ?

(15)    Who elects the President of India ?

(iRRft Wm)

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