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University of Mumbai 2007 B.A History-II(il-07) - Question Paper

Friday, 12 July 2013 04:40Web


Con.70 & (a)-07.

N.B. (1) Attempt any five questions.

( OLD COURSE )    JL-750

( 3 Hours )    [ Total Marks : 100

(2) All questions carry equal marks.

1.    Explain the meaning and features of the Renaissance.

2.    Examine in brief the important causes of the Reformation Movement in Europe.

3.    What were the consequences of the French Revolution of 1789 ?


4.    Give an account of the unification of Germany.

5.    Assess the forms and techniques of InperiiJjSnv .

6.    ' Describe briefly the causes of the World War I.

7.    Discuss the role of Lenin in the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

8.    Analyse the foreign policy of Mussolini.

9.    Review the causes and consequences of the World War II.

10.    Write short notes on any two of the following

(a)    Causes of Geographical Discoveries.

(b)    Effects of Industrial Revolution.

(c)    Hitler as Dictator of Germany.

(d)    Organisations of the U.N.O.

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( 3 Hours )

N.B. (1) Attempt any five questions.

(2) All questions carry equal marks.

1.    Trace the factors that led to the rise of nationalism in China.

2.    Examine the CCP-KMT conflict in China.

3.    Discuss the Sino-Indian relations during 1949-1976.

4.    Account for the rise of Militarism in Japan and assess its consequences.

5.    Write a detailed note on the economic development in Japan under the SCAP administration.

6.    From an estimate of Kemal Pasha as an architect of modem Turkey.

7.    Review the major events leading to the birth of Israel.

8.    Analyse the political developments in Sri Lanka from 1945 to 1976.

9.    Evaluate the role of Dr. Sukarno in the. nationalist movement in Indonesia.

10. Write    short notes on any two of the following

(a)    The Cultural Revolution in China.

(b)    Emergence of Japan as a World Power.

(c)    Achievements of Col. Nasser.

(d)    Military Dictatorship in Burma.

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: (I)    TR TO

(3) 3TRHT 3TT%cT.

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R.    - ffftwr (CCP-KMT) wR Vt\m TO.

3.    WM W TOlcfld TO.

V.    TTrfi iJFrhR TO.

S.    (SCAP) WTCR TTpTcT 'mi 3T[ffe


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() WfT Mlldch wr (qF)    WrM


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