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Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) 2008 B.Sc Computer Science 3rd Year " Programming in C And C++ - Question Paper

Sunday, 07 July 2013 03:45Web

UG-322    BMS-10

B.Sc. DEGREE EXAMINATION -JUNE 2008. (AY 2005-06, CY 2006 batches only)

Third Year



Time : 3 hours    Maximum marks : 75

PART A (5 x 5 = 25 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

1.    Explain the operators in C.

2.    Explain the usefulness of the escape sequences with suitable illustrations.

3.    What is preprocessor? Explain commonly used preprocessors.

4.    Describe how a string is stored in the memory of computer.

5.    Explain a pointer to a function can be passed to another function.

6.    What is nested struct data types? Describe the different ways in which a nested data type is defined.

7.    Explain the function : rewind, fflush and freopen.

8.    Explain enumerated data types.

PART B (5 x 10 = 50 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions.

9.    Define queues. Explain the operations of queue.

10.    Explain simulation process.

11.    What are standard streams? Explain with suitable illustrations.

12.    Write a program to read the name, age, sex and height of n persons and find the names of oldest male and shortest female.

13.    Distinguish between a pointer to an array of int type and a pointer to an array of char type.

14.    Write a program to find greatest and smallest of n numbers.

15.    Write a program to check whether a given year is a leap year or not.

16.    Distinguish between the uses of the while and do-while loops in C.

3    UG-322


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