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Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) 2006 B.Ed teaching of english - Question Paper

Sunday, 07 July 2013 03:05Web

2292    ES-344


First Year (For 2005-06 batch candidates) TEACHING OF ENGLISH

Time : 3 hours    Maximum marks : 75

PART A (2 x 15 = 30 marks)

Answer any TWO questions not exceeding 750 words


1.    Discuss the various methods of teaching English.

2.    What is the difference between guided and free composition? Mention some of the exercises pertaining to each type.

3.    Explain in detail the meaning of and need for a Lesson Plan.

PART B (5 x 6 = 30 marks)

AnBwer any FIVE questions not exceeding 300 words


4.    What are reference skills in English?

5.    Describe any two language games which can be used to teach vocabulary.

6.    In what respects does a prose lesson differ from a poetry lesson?

7.    What are the differences between intensive reading and extensive reading?

8.    How does role-play help in developing language fluency?

9.    What are the uses of a dictation exercise in English?

10.    Explain two composition exercises that you advocate for higher secondary classes.

11.    How will you test the listening ability of your pupils?

PART C (5 x 3 = 15 marks)

Answer ALL questions not exceeding 150 words each,

12.    What is active vocabulary?

13.    Mention three advantages of silent reading,

14.    Write two universal statements in English.

15.    Use the following in sentences of your own :

(a)    Come across

(b)    To turn up

(c)    Look down upon.

16.    Mention three uses of visual aids in an English class.

2    2292


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