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Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) 2009-1st Year B.B.M state open university - Question Paper

Saturday, 06 July 2013 03:05Web

Wk Ser

UG-752 BBA-11/BCS-11/ BBAM-11/



First Year (AY 2004-05 batch onwards)

PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT Time : 3 hours    Maximum marks : 75

PART A (3 x 5 = 15 marks)

Answer any THREE questions.

1.    What is Management? State its features.

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2.    What are the characteristics of Planning?

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3.    What are the consequences of Poor Organisation? Vp jgb    A0 -    OTIPpr ju@

4.    What is meant by Staffing? What are its merits?

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5.    What are the Pre-requisites of Control?

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PART B (4 x 15 = 60 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

6.    How does Management differ from Administration?

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7.    Give the importance of Management Decision Making and describe its process.

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8.    What is span of Management? Explain the factors that determine the span of management.

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9.    Explain the procedures for recruitment of employees in an organisation.

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10.    Define Budgetary Control and list out its merits.

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11.    Discuss the barriers to effective Communication. How can they be overcome?

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12.    What is meant by Management by Objectives? Explain its principles.

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3    UG-752


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