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Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) 2009-1st Year B.A English .

Friday, 05 July 2013 07:30Web

B.A. DEGREE exam —
JUNE, 2009.
(AY 2003–04 and CY 2004 batches only)
First Year
Time : three hours Maximum marks : 75
1. Write short notes on any 3 of the subsequent in about 50 words every : (3 x five = 15)
(a) Why are the essays of Addison and Steele called Periodical Essays?
(b) Give a brief description of Isabel.
(c) Describe the strange lady seen by
(d) Explain how ‘unheard melodies are sweeter than heard melodies’.
(e) When is Sir Oliver ready to buy the old collection?
(f) Bring out the contrast ranging from land and sea in “The Ocean.”
(g) How does Collins define a calm evening?
(h) Explain the allusion to Orpheus and bring out its relevance.
2. Write essays on any 3 of the subsequent in about 200 words every : (3 x 10 = 30)
(a) Attempt a character sketch of Achitophel.
(b) Bring out the pastoral elements current in “Michael”.
(c) How does Coleridge create an atmosphere of mystery in “Christabel”?
(d) Write an essay on the marital storms in the household of the Teazles.
(e) What is original about the characters created by Bunyan in his The Pilgrim’s Progress?
(f) Give an account of Elizabeth’s visit to Pemberley house with the Gardiners.
3. Write short answers on any 2 of the subsequent in about 200 words every : (2 x 10 = 20)
(a) What philosophy of life can you derive from Gray’s Elegy?
(b) Bring out the contrast ranging from ‘‘Christabel’’ and ‘‘Geraldine’’.
(c) Consider “To a Skylark” as a Romantic poem.
(d) Explain the device by which Sir Oliver Surface discovers the actual nature of his 2 nephews.
4. Write an essay on any 1 of the subsequent :
(1 x 10 = 10)
(a) What according to Johnson are the merits and defects in Paradise Lost?
(b) Briefly enumerate the general characteristics of Hazlitt’ s writing.
(c) ‘The intention of Sheridan is to correct’ –Discuss.

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Rounded Rectangle: 	UG556	BEG2 

JUNE, 2009.

(AY 200304 and CY 2004 batches only)

First Year



Time : 3 hours Maximum marks : 75

1.         Write short notes on any THREE of the following in about 50 words each : (3 5 = 15)

             (a) Why are the essays of Addison and Steele called Periodical Essays?

             (b) Give a brief description of Isabel.

             (c) Describe the strange lady seen by

             (d) Explain how unheard melodies are sweeter than heard melodies.

             (e) When is Sir Oliver ready to buy the old collection?

             (f) Bring out the contrast between land and sea in The Ocean.

             (g) How does Collins describe a calm evening?

             (h) Explain the allusion to Orpheus and bring out its relevance.

2.         Write essays on any THREE of the following in about 200 words each : (3 10 = 30)

             (a) Attempt a character sketch of Achitophel.

             (b) Bring out the pastoral elements present in Michael.

             (c) How does Coleridge create an atmosphere of mystery in Christabel?

             (d) Write an essay on the marital storms in the household of the Teazles.

             (e) What is original about the characters created by Bunyan in his The Pilgrims Progress?

             (f) Give an account of Elizabeths visit to Pemberley house with the Gardiners.

3.         Write short answers on any TWO of the following in about 200 words each : (2 10 = 20)

             (a) What philosophy of life can you derive from Grays Elegy?

             (b) Bring out the contrast between Christabel and Geraldine.

             (c) Consider To a Skylark as a Romantic poem.

             (d) Explain the device by which Sir Oliver Surface discovers the true nature of his two nephews.

4.         Write an essay on any ONE of the following :
(1 10 = 10)

             (a) What according to Johnson are the merits and defects in Paradise Lost?

             (b) Briefly enumerate the general characteristics of Hazlitt s writing.

             (c) The intention of Sheridan is to correct Discuss.

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