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Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) 2010-1st Year B.A English - — E, (AY 2003-04 and CY 2004 tches only) THE ELIZABETHAN AGE - Question Paper

Friday, 05 July 2013 06:55Web

B.A. DEGREE exam —
JUNE, 2010.
First Year
(AY 2003-04 and CY 2004 batches only)
Time : three hours Maximum marks : 75
1.Answer any 5 of the subsequent in about
30 words every : (5 x three = 15)
(a)Riches are for spending, and spending for honour and good actions.
(i)Explain the situation
(ii)What is the author's instruction?
(b)To be free minded and cheerfully disposed at hours of meat and of sleep and of exercise, is 1 of the precepts of long lasting.
(i)What is the context?
(ii)Explain the precept that ensures a long life.
(c).... communicating of a man's self to his friend, work 2 contrary effect; for it redoubleth joys, and cutteth griefs in halfs.
(i)What is the passage about
(ii)Explain the "contrary effects" referred to in the passage.
(d)Some build rather upon the abusing of others and putting tricks upon them, than upon soundness of their own proceedings.
(i)Whose qualities are defined in the provided lines?
(ii)How do they thrive?
(e)That is hereafter may you not repent
Him lodging in your bosom to have lent.
(i)Who is spoken about?
(ii)Bring out the significance of these lines.
(f)Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimmed.
(i)What does "the eye of heaven" refer to?
(ii)Why is the gold complexion dimmed?
(g)Of my desires, whereat I weep and sing
In joy and woe as in a doubtful ease
(i)What is the reason for all poet's emotional expression?
(ii)Explain "doubtful ease".
(h)Tell me, thou skilful shepherd's swain
Who's yonder in the valley set?
(i)Who is asked to identify the person yonder in the valley?
(ii)Who is to be identified?
(i)But Faustus' offence can never be pardoned; the serpent that tempted Eve may be saved, but not Faustus.
(i)Who is the speaker?
(ii)Explain the allusion.
(j)Thou traitor, Faustus I arrest thy soul
For disobedience to my sovereign lord
(i)Identify the speaker
(ii)Who is his 'sovereign lord'?
2.Write short notes on any 2 of the subsequent in about 100 words every : (2 x five = 10)
(a)The pastoral pleasures enlisted in Marlowe 's "Passionate Shepherd to his Love".
(b)Bacon's views on innovations.
(c)Faustus's last soliloquy.
(d)Justice Clement in Every Man in his Humour.
3.Answer the subsequent in about 200 words every.
(3 x 10 = 30)
(a)(i) What are Bacon's views on delay and quick action?
(ii)Critically assess job's arguments.
(b)(i) Write a critical appreciation of Sidney 's 'Some Lovers Speak'.
(ii)Donne's Batter My Heart.
(c)(i) Discuss Faustus as a man of Renaissance.
Or(ii) Brainworm as the central character of Every Man in his Humour.
4.Answer any 2 of the subsequent in about
200 words every. (2 x 10 = 20)
(a)Highlight the important features of Elizabethan Poetry.
(b)Analyse the special characteristics of Ben Jonson 's comedy of humours with reference to Every Man in his Humour.
(c)Discuss Dr. Faustus as a morality play.
(d)Show that the essays of Bacon are a blend of philosophising, moralising and worldly wisdom.

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You are here: PAPER Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) 2010-1st Year B.A English - — E, (AY 2003-04 and CY 2004 tches only) THE ELIZABETHAN AGE - Question Paper