Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) 2004 B.A Economics Micro - Question Paper
Friday, 05 July 2013 04:50Web
B.A. DEGREE exam. (BEC-1 OCT-04)
October 2004.
Time: three hours Maximum marks: 75.
part A – (3X5=15).
ans any 3 ques..
1. What is inflation?
2. What is stock and flow?
3. Micro and Macro Economics are inter related. Do you agree?
4. discuss the theory of Interest.
5. discuss Business Cycle.
part B – (3X5=15).
ans any 4 ques..
6. discuss indifference curve analysis discuss its properties with diagram.
7. explain the theory of perfect competition.
8. discuss the Ricardian theory of Rent.
9. discuss the liquidity preference theory.
10. discuss the relationship ranging from avg. cost and marginal cost with suitable diagram.
11. discuss the marginal productivity theory of wages.
12. discuss the break-even analysis and its importance.
Earning: Approval pending. |