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Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) 2009-2nd Year B.A Economics

Friday, 05 July 2013 02:25Web

WS 5

UG-435    BECAL-2


(AY - 2003-04 to CY - 2005 batches onwards)

Second Year Economics RURAL BANKING Time : 3 hours    Maximum marks : 75

Answer for 5 marks question should not exceed 2 pages.

Answer for 15 marks questions should not exceed 5 pages.

PART A (3x5 = 15 marks)

Answer any THREE of the following.

1. Discuss the features of Indian Rural Economic Development.


2.    Define Seasonal unemployment.

C<sn u-

3.    Define Zamindari system.

p CUn u-

4.    What is ceiling on land holding?

Effff iiijl Gpm GOT?

5.    What is Rural poverty?

QljnULP iip GpnW GOT?

PART B (4 x 15 = 60 marks)

Answer any FOUR of the following.

6.    Explain the reasons for low productivity in Agriculture.

GotS spu E0uzVZ VPUsnOT

7.    What are the reasons for the problem of Rural Indebtedness and state the remedial measures to solve the problem?

QijnuLpU <si_ *U<snOT <snijni<sOT iuni 0p AU WZX s psOT Tps.

8.    Discuss the functions of NABARD.

GOTns0 0p Qijn'uL|p G<s]w    uiOIsotot

9.    What are the benefits of crop insurance? u ffiumkz VmLzV {0ffiOT iun0i?

10.    Explain the importance of National Rural Employment Programme.

G<s]w Qijtulp G<ai<s VmhZV UQzXZU

11.    Explain the various types of Agricultural loan.

UGp GOTS <SI_    OTffi0ffi.

12.    Explain the various programmes adopted by the Government to abolish poverty in India.

ipw Juuup Aijwis GpQffiS@OTOT uGip VmhisOTOT ot<0<s.

3    UG-435


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