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Osmania University (OU) 2006 M.C.A Computer Aplications Client Server Programming - Question Paper

Friday, 05 July 2013 04:00Web

Unit -I

1. (a) Illustrate the subsequent concepts of Java with an example.
(i) Exception Handling (ii) Dynamic Polymorphism
(b) elaborate life cycle methods of Java? discuss their usage.

2. (a) Illustrate with an example creation of thread using Runnable Interfaces.
(b) Distinguish ranging from Applet and Application.


3. (a) What is a scoket? Distinguish ranging from Socket and Server Socket Classes.
(b) discuss Architecture and working of RMI.

4. (a) elaborate filtered I/O streams? provide an example.
(b) Distinguish the subsequent classes of JDBC.
(i) Statement
(ii) Prepared Statement
(iii) Callable Statement


5. discuss the architecture and working of CORBA.

6. Write the steps in generating client and server programs of CORBA.


7. (a) What is CGI? Write the functions of every tier in a CGI based 3-Tier web application.
(b) Distinguish ranging from GET and POST methods of HTTP.

8. Write are the life cycle methods of Servlet? discuss the usage with an example.


9. discuss the architecture of EJB.

10. (a) What is Active X? explain the usage of Active X Components/
(b) Briefly discuss DCOM architecture.

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