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Osmania University (OU) 2008-2nd Sem B.A LL.Bester ,/ Subject : Political Science - Question Paper

Wednesday, 03 July 2013 10:15Web

FACULTY OF legal regulations

LL.B. ( 5YDC ) II – SEMESTER exam , APRIL / MAY 2008

SUBJECT: legal regulations


Political Science ( Foundations of Political Obligation )

Time : three Hours Max Marks ; 80

PART- A ( five x six = 30 Marks )

I . ans any 5 of the subsequent .

1. Power
2. Rousseau
3. Political Obligation
4. Neo – Gandhian Thought
5. Punishment
6. Criminal Sanction
7. Unjust Laws

PART – B ( four x 12 ½ = 50 Marks )

II. ans any 4 of the subsequent .

8. Explain the Authority and Legitimation.
9. Examine the Karl Marx approach to the notion of political obligation.
10. Explain the concept of utilitarianism and its rule and spirit.
11. What you understand about foundations of promissory and contractual liability.
12. When the state can use force against the citizens.
13. Explain the contemporary origin of legitimation.
14. Explain the issue of civil disobedience with reference to Gandhian thought.
15. Write an essay on principles of political obligation .


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