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Kurukshetra University 2009 B.Tech Electronics and Communications Engineering Digital electronics - Question Paper

Wednesday, 03 July 2013 05:30Web



Roll ri .........................................Total Mft. of Pages : A

BT-4/M09    9329

Digital tltoniBici

taper t F-K-204-E

Tijno: Three lloun]    . [Mjix i inuin MurlS-! 100

Ndl* I- Un. of i|ueri|dilK tq he allHnplft]" FIVE, by HrlectvqE at Jcaii crtK IiQUL cich miL


1.    {ti) DtswdcthcfiillLwSliiiASt'JIaHlDJ.lOOlOHI llOmOl HQU10

nwt>ifli03ooo[W'iiyoinoDnon.i] iukhoi.

(h) The Ibllwing lia dnDfOj AS('II chinntorj vrltAse hi I jidiltTTU Ihtc heit tt>DivFtcd fndi iKuderhwl for uampftclncuT: 4A EF 63 10 C4 EF (Jf the 8 titi ia bJCifih panf liiyitS. the IcftmdhL ii a parity h-iL Ttis I'cmflLnlnp hilu irte the ASCII code,

(i) CunVCfT 10 hit finm yiJ dconde liv AECU

(H) fJeicnnlw (be party total odd of even,

2.    fiivea tli-e Boolean ftmL-tioii :

F = xy i + x y z w i wx y + wxy Obtain ihc trvih LkHc ollhc fund ion.

(l) Draw Ltif l0JC diflna mii]| ibe anginal Oook&D cspJvSUiHi

(If) Simplify the fuirctira w n minrttrnni uumVrr of ftcrak

H(M]]eiin (i]yctif ft-1 JhtairiLhfl Lruth tahic of the fLisution from rhc ilmplificd c>i|>resaLij[i aiid ithmw l>iiiLfiL if Tiic .'mate an lim one rtodiiedi;i pun (!}.

fnt) DdV (be fafje diacram IfOOt the sncplilVid CtpfOffiQ wd ciwpiJTt Lbc IkHI n-Jinher uf JpEn wfrti ihp diupfiEJl <itfFl (i(X


J. f a \ 1 ii wjmbi/wUonal ciruuii i]mt gcns'rutM :hc 9't iioroplimem of a HCD ttitfl

lM Dni a iK'OiHlsdnilll dcnltf umg die unuvdcnsilniBliMii

ipf lit* SCjE) ende E-t limt't i/atfC Condition*,

4.    Desiyj u set] Lie ii [Lid tdreuiL with Two .TK FUp-fhipii A and B and Lo inputs pud *.?If E = 0, tho circuil ivjmains in [lie sacne state reardJesS ul'the value of x. When T- = 1 and * = Lnc ciraLnL yoct through the state transitions from IHI PI U1 to If) to 11 back to OU> and repeats. When E = ! and j: - 0, the circuit oes ilmaugii the

. . *

staLe Lnm&uiimK finjm 01) io 11 to T(J to <11 back to H H ln flnd ncpcats.


5.    (a) A flij> flops liai a 3 nu delay fiunb Lhe Time Lhe oh>i;k cdjeottrtiS

To The time The output is complemented. What is the maximum delayin a 10-hiit binary Hpplccowiterthart UK3 tllCSC flip'flop* -What ii The anaxiinum irequeney Lhe uounLcr tan. (jperuie reliably -

(b) fJcsignflcoiintcrith'i'flip'ftopsThsrt goes through the following binary repeated sequence: 0, t, 7h ft, 4. Show that when binary states 010 and 101 arc cctnaldcned as dotrtcare coudi(ionsh the tuunljer may not (jpcrate properly. Find a way tn correct Lhe desifcjn.

6.    (aj (i) Explain the differences between asynchronous and

synchronous sequential cinouitii.

(lij Define fundamental-mode operation.


{iii) Ex plain Hue di ITerenc; between uLahle and unNLahle slates, (iv) WbaT is the diffcrcncc between an LUcrnal state and a total slate ?

(b) An asynchronous sequential circuit is described by the excitation and output functions

Y = x,k, + (x, + x y z- y

(f) iJraw the logic diagram nf the clreurt.

(u) Derive the tjanbi[ionLtable and outpuL imp.    ll

(iii) Obtain a Lwu-stalje Dow table.

(iv) l>cwnbc tn words the behavior of (he cncm!.

1    :    -*s    -    ...

9329    2    ContJ.

7.    (a)    lIie 4K;tLinl output transistors iff twni njic-wilccter ITT..

Lcs; show l>y meant uf a truth ta(>JO Thar ivheu conneutccj together    ncRisKwand Vw. Hie wired connection

produce;; an AND function.

0>) Pruve that two Opeu-Cull eutor VI I, inverters, wlicn umncctmJ together, pjclIlucc Lhe NOK ftmcrlon.

8.    (a) Determine the high-level output voltage of Che RTL jilc [pr a

fan-out of 5,

(b) Determine the minimum iitpui vnl tagc required to drive an k t' L transistor lo iuluratirm when = 20.

(e) Fn>m the results ill {a) and fb>3 determine The Udisc margin nf tlic JEL gate when the Input Is hiuh aud Lhe fan-out is 3.

".29    .1)1


Roll ri .........................................Total Mft. of Pages : A

BT-4/M09    9329

Digital tltoniBici

taper t CK-2U4E3 Tijno: Three lloun]    . [Mjix i inuin MurlS-! 100

Ndl* I- Un. of i|ueri|dilK tq he allHnplft]" FIVE, by HrlectvqE at Jcaii crtK IiQUL cich miL


1.    {*) DtswdcthcfiillLwSliiiASt'JIaHlDJ.lOOlOHI llOmOl HQU10

nwt>ifli03ooo[W'iiyoinoDnon.i] iukhoi.

(h) The Ibllwing lia dnDfOj AS('II chinntorj vrliAsc hi I jidiltTTU Ihtc heit tt>DivFtcd fndi iKuderhwl for uampftclncuT: 4A EF 63 10 C4 EF (Jf the 8 titi ia bJCifih panf liiyitS. the IcftmdhL ii a parity h-iL Ttis I'cmflLnlnp hilu irte the ASCII code,

(i) CunVCfT 10 hit finm yiJ dconde liv AECU

(H) fJeicnnlw (be party total odd of even,

2.    fiivea tli-e Boolean ftmL-tioii :

F = xy i + x y z w i wx y + wxy Obtain ihe trvih Lkblc ul lhc fund ion.

(l) Draw Ltif l0JC diflna mii]| ibe anginal Oook&D cspJvSUiHi

(If) Simplify the fuirctira w n minrttrnni uumVrr of ftcrak

H(M]]eiin (i]yctif ft-1 JhtairiLhfl Lruth tahic of the fLisution from rhc ilmplificd c>i|>resaLij[i aiid ithmw l>iiiLfiL if Tiic .'mate an llm one rtodiiedi;i pun (!}.

fnt) DdV (be fafje diacram IfOOt the sncplilVid CtpfOffiQ wd ciwpiJTt Lbc IkHI n-Jinher uf JpEn wfrti ihp diupfiEJl <itfFl (i(X


J. f a \ 1 ii wjmbi/wUonal ciruuii i]mt gcns'rutM :hc 9't iioroplimem of a HCD ttitfl

lM Dni a iK'OiHlsdnilll dcnltf umg die unuvdcnsilniBliMii

ipf lit* SCjE) ende E-t limt't i/atfC Condition*,

4.    Desiyi ;i sequential tiircuil with Two .IK Flip-flops A and B and Lo inputs and *.?If t = 0, the circuil ivjmains in [lie sacne state rc.eafdJesS ol'the villus of x. When 1- = 1 mui * = Lnc cirouiL through the state transitions from IHI PI U1 to If) to 11 hack to 0U> and repeats. When E = ! and j: - 0, the circuit oes ihiaugb the

. . *

staLe transitions fnmi 01) in ll to t(J to ill hack to H H ln flnd ncpcats.


5.    (a) A flip-flops has a 3 nu delav fiunb Lhe time Lhe tU>ck edjeocttuS

to the time the output is complemented. What is the maximum del ay in a 1 Q-hit binary Hppl c COWltet thart U5C3 tllCSC flip'flops -Whac ii the aua\iinuin frequency Lhe counLer tan. operate reliably -

(b) f Jcsign a counter with T flip'flopsthat goes through the following binary repeated sequence: 0, t, 7h ft, 4. Show that when hnnjiiy states 010 and 101 arc eonsklcnod as dotrtcare coudi(ionsh the counter may not operate properly. Find a way to correct Lhe design.

6.    (aj (i) Explain the differences between asynchronous and

synchronous sequential circuits.

(ii) Define fundsimcntal-mottc operation.

{in") La pi ain the di [Terence between uLahle and unnLable stalcs-

(iv) What is the diffcrcnce between an LUcrnal state and f total slate ?

(b) An asynchronous sequential circuit is described by the excitation and output functions

Y = x,k, +- (x, + y z- y

(T) l>raw the logic diagram of the cireurt.

(ii)    Derive the tjanbi[ionLtable and outpuL imp.    ll

(iii)    Obtain a Lwu-stale Dow table.

(rv) I>c5cnbe tn words the behavior of the drcm!.

1    :    -*s    -    ...

9329    2    ContJ.

7.    (a)    lIie 4K;tLinl output transisLdrs iff twni fijic-wUccter ITT..

Lcs; show l>y meant uf a truth ta(>JO Thar ivhen connectccj together    ncRisKwand Vw. Hie wired connection

produce;; an AND function.

0>) Pruve that two Opeu-Cull eutor VI 'I, inverters, wlien umncctmJ together, pjtulmcE Lhc NOK ftmcrlon.

8.    (a) Determine the high-level output voltage of fhe RTL jilc [hr a

fan-out of 5,

(b)    Determine the minimum mpui vnl tsgc required to drive ankt'L tratisisrot1 lo iuluratimi when = 20.

(c)    Frurn the results ill {a) aud fb>3 determlLW! The Udisc margin of tllC JIX gate when the input Is hiua and Lhi: fam>U( is 3.

".29    .1)1


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