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Kurukshetra University 2009 B.Tech Electronics and Communications Engineering Electronics indtrumentation and measurement - Question Paper

Wednesday, 03 July 2013 05:15Web


kuH No..........................................................Total No. of lJogeS : 3

BT-4/MG9    9314

FEtdninic!! rnslrumenl&LHHi unci MciKurtmcnl

Paper: ECE-202-E

11 ms: [iircc H nnirsj    f Maxim urn Murks f1Ot?

'mjIc :- Answer eumpMely lujv FIVE questions selecting at leasl 0\E iuesTLon from each unit.


I    D-i s/.mpnuls resolution and scale readability. Define iliresliold,

ltyeaLability and maintainability,

(b} Write short nctfcs rm relativit'systematic, and random errors. WnLejtiiDri nuLtti uil Double Kelvin bridge tor the measurement ol'low resistances.    5-9


i (q) Write short ntties im Lhe general elLiliraaerisfics of a nwtiTirfing iustnnntiiiJL i.e.L Input impcdcncc, sensitivity, range, zem drift, Lintl frequency response.    

(L>J Dcseribc pnecitiidn rrteanuremeiLt of medium resistance with WheiiLsLoLu: bridge.

(c)v WTuiL are the limitations of WhcaLrtiOLie bridge ? 51-5 10


IlisiinfTin-ih lhe different among D1 ArsonvaJ, hallist:c, end vratmc calanortictcrs.

AjA-    ----.

ip) Write 4 bref ledmitii] note on Maxwell's bridge wilh nit cirCUt? and phstsnr diagFunr.. fc) Hmv ?DM it done ill magr.ct.i:; Lape reminders ',h S-5+W

11H    I    ("iLMlfli.

the JUCLCi'tiirmra hwi Lc error. aem emir. fiaralltic ami], Ii i. error and loading dccT V

Hi"! Describe ihc X-Y asunder with ail tlfliic LICUIhtml11lJ!l i Ilf wLKdeLJiils.

(c) EapLhlei Lhe lie SaULy's bridge principle lur lhe incLiruliiu n'1 u| C paciLanee.    ,|.j *


aj, Hxpljtcn the pi'nicLpic and workiuu of Q-mcter.

{h) Inline frequency j cspxinKE and gum baud widl h, s | m 1 nKt H i| m

bias CllrretLL, input oft'scT v ullage* LIMKJL

K i j 11 >

(c) If CMftK is aOcffi, what docs il mean V Write short HoSes mi the following ;-

Wave anLysei' (>)' D V Ms

(e) Display TnctEn>]ij (LH), JXD)



jt>) An KIT) ii fahrieaLfid fami platinum eshjbiTS

a tempo I

t*) What are rile tanpus facltin; that uiil uencc the chu'a Lianwluutir ?

toKrficicitoi'iesiiitiviiyy, 0.r>frc70Z'''C. Arauifo ys

Ifthcresiatancc of The senseir is J00 n aiJKT, find Lhe TCStai.-n of 1ht sensor at Lhe fti 11 rwifljj iemjigtllieti

fi> n-KV'C (ii) iy(lut: {c) 500V (iii) -220"C {iv) W.\

(c) tl!5 T! T*" Discuss

rbo help ..f.Wwk ,l!n|Irml .i;llall [[llB11]pnamtli

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t*\ 11- 4'1() (?)    bricM* lhc!eTCEll    nrafea!

ooilKHJtaLiiinseniuJoyeJ id    [hciauwoupJes

" ?" **    * *<* telM,,.

TOl aacfi LTfliidcnissLDi.1.,    *-- -



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