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SRM University 2007 B.Tech Computer Science and Engineering BANK for DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING - Question Paper

Wednesday, 30 January 2013 11:55Web
1.Explain the implementation of RpC mechanism
2.Discuss the communication protocols for RPC
3.Explain about Client server binding in detail
4. discuss about Client server locating in detail
5. discuss about Client server binding time in detail
6.Explain about the call back rpc in detail
7. discuss about Broadcast rpc in detail
8. discuss the various kinds of addressing used in a client server model
9.Explain the blocking vs nonblocking primitives in detail
10 discuss the buffered vs unbuffered primitives in detail



1. Why we need Synchronization in Distributed Systems?
2. Write the properties of Distributed algorithms.
3. What is Logical Clock?
4. What is Physical Clock?
5. What is Clock Skew?
6. Based on what conditions we can assign time to all the events in a Distributed Systems.
7. Write a short note on Berkeley algorithm.
8. What is meant by Mutual Exclusion?
9. Why we need Election algorithms?
10. List different algorithms used to achieve Mutual exclusion in a Distributed Systems.
11. Write a short note on Bully Algorithm.
12. What is meant by Atomic Transaction?
13. List different kinds of Storages used & How stable storage differs from others.
14. List the Transaction Primitives.
15. What is ACID? Briefly discuss.
16. What is meant by Nested Transaction?
17. What is called as Shadow Blocks?
18. What is meant by Concurrency Control?
19. Write a short note on Two-Phase commit protocol.
20. What is Deadlock?
21. What is meant by Granularity of Locking?
22. What are the advantages & Disadvantages of Optimistic Concurrency control.
23. What are the properties of Distributed Shared Memory?
24. What is Virtual Distributed Shared Memory?
25. What is meant by Growing & Shrinking Phase?
26. Write advantages & Disadvantages of Strict Two-Phase locking.
27. List various mechanisms used for Concurrency Control.
28. What are 2 basic paradigms for interprocess communication?
29. What is false Deadlock?
30. List various kinds of deadlock detections.
31. State the advantages of user level threads.
32. What is jacket?
33. What are the various problems of processor allocation algorithms?
34. Define up-down algorithm
35. Define co-Scheduling
36. How process allocation strategies can be divided?
37. what are the basic primitives for accessing the shared address space?
38. What is memory mapping manager?
39. What are the design problems of DSM?

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