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Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad 2007-2nd Sem M.C.A Computer Aplications Iester s,- - Question Paper

Tuesday, 02 July 2013 11:20Web

Code No:R6-33/MCA
M.C.A III-Semester Examinations, December-2007.
Time : three hours Max.Marks:60
ans any 5 ques.
All ques. carry equal marks

1. a) discuss about hard links and soft links in Unix.
b) Write about umask command in Unix.

2. What a shell script to print the 1st n prime numbers

3. discuss the concept of using file as lock.

4. Write the syntax of subsequent functions discuss every argument
a) abort
b) sleep
c) waited
d) alarm.

5. discuss the concept of 2 pipes to give a bidirectional flow of data.

6. Write the signature of msgget system call. discuss the purpose system call.

7. discuss about kernel data structures for shared memory.

8. discuss Unix kernel support for shared memeory.


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