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Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad 2011-3rd Sem M.C.A Code No: MC307 R06 s- UNIX NETWORK PROGRAMMING - Question Paper

Tuesday, 02 July 2013 09:25Web

1. a) discuss the subsequent utilities with a clear syntax and different choices and example.
i) obtain ii) finger iii) ftp iv) fgrep
b) discuss how security is achieved by file permissions.
2. a) List and discuss different shell and meta variable in UNIX.
b) Write a shell program to implement mv command using positional parameters.
3. discuss about the subsequent system calls:
a) creat( ) b) write( ) c) stat( ) d) fcntl( )
4. a) What is a zombie process? Write a sample program to example about zombie
b) Differentiate ranging from fork( ) and vfork( ).
5. a) Write the difference ranging from pipes and fifos.
b) Write a program for file locking using flock( ) system call.
6. discuss how client-server communication is achieved using message queues with an example program.
7. discuss the subsequent system calls related to shared memory to implement IPC ranging from client and server processes.
a) shmget( ) b) shmctl( ) c) shmat( ) d) shmdt( )
8. What is a socket? discuss different socket system calls using for UDP protocol.

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