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Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad 2011-3rd Sem M.C.A Code No: F3305 R09 s- JAVA PROGRAMMING - Question Paper

Tuesday, 02 July 2013 09:10Web

1. (a) Differentiate Procedural languages and OOP languages.
(b) Write a JAVA program to calculate division of two without using any
arithmetical operator.
(c) discuss the steps for executing a JAVA Program.
2. (a) What is precedence and how precedence and associativity are useful
in expression evaluation?
(b) elaborate command-line arguments and how are they used?
3. (a) What is an abstract class?
(b) discuss super keyword with all its usages?
(c) Write a program to count the number of characters in a string?
4. (a) elaborate Exceptions? How are they handled in JAVA?
(b)What is synchronization and why is it important?
5. (a) discuss in detail all possible ways of taking inputs from the user.
(b) Write a program to learn the content of a file byte by byte and copy it
into a different file.
Get names of the files from the user through standard input.
6. (a) discuss the difference ranging from Enumeration and Iterator.
(b) Create a client/server application where the client requests for
a particular file on the server. If the file exists on the server, then
write the contents of the file to the client.
7. (a) discuss the various parameters of APPLET tag.
(b) Write an applet that draws a circle, a line, an arc inside the applet's
visible area.
8. (a) Compare the various Layout Managers in Brief.
(b) discuss the difference ranging from Swing and AWT.

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