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SRM University 2007 B.Tech Information Technology IT104: PROGRAMMING IN C - Question Paper

Wednesday, 30 January 2013 09:00Web
6. Explain for template with example.
7. Explain class template with an example.
8. Write a class template to represent generic vector/ Include member functions to perform the subsequent tasks.
a) To create the vector.
b) To replace the value of a provided element.
c) To multiply by a scalar value.
d) To display the vector.


Part –A

1. What is a stream?
2. Both cin and getline() function statement can be used for studying a string comment.
3. What role does the iomanip play?
4. What is the role of file() function? When do we use this function?
5. Discuss the syntax of set() function.
6. What is the basic difference ranging from manipulators and ios member functions in implementation?
7. What is the use of width() and setw() functions?
8. Explain the use of left & right manipulators?
9. What is the use of setw manipulators?
10. What is the use of setprecision manipulator (or) precision member function?
11. What are I/O streams?
12. What are the steps involved in using a file in a C++ program?
13. What is a file mode? explain the different file mode choices available?
14. What does the “current position” mean when applied to the files?
15. What is the use of eof() function?
16. What does opening a file with a construction function mean?
17. What is the use of open() function?
18. What are file pointers?
19. What is the use of seekg(), seekp() & tellg()?
20. What is the use of put(), get()?
21. What is the role of write() & need() functions?
22. What is an exception?
23. How is an exception handled in C++?
24. What are the advantages of using exception handling mechanism in a program?
25. When should a program throw an exception?
26. When is a catch(…) handler used?
27. What is an exception specification? When is it used?
28. What should be placed in a try block?
29. What should be placed in a catch block?
30. When do we need multiple catch handlers?
31. What is meant by asynchronous exceptions?
32. What is meant by synchronous exception?
33. List the common examples of exceptions?
34. What happens if an exception is thrown outside a try block?
35. What does the throw: statement do?
36. How does the programmer restrict the exception kinds that a function can throw?
37. What does stack unwinding mean?
38. What happens when a catch handler throws an exception?

Part – B

1. Explain catching mechanism with multiple catch statements? provide examples.
2. Explain Exception handling mechanism with examples.
3. Discuss stack unwinding with example.
4. Explain unformatted I/O operations with example.
5. Explain formatted I/O operation with example.
6. Explain the different ways of opening and closing a file with example.
7. Discuss the file pointers & their manipulators.
8. Explain how to perform I/O operation in a sequential file with example.



1. What is meant by RTTI?
2. List the ways of obtaining object class at run time
3. What is the purpose of the operator kind id()?
4. What is dynamic cast operator?
5. When is RTTI used?
6. What is typecasting in C++?
7. List the reserved words in typecasting
8. elaborate the conversions in static _cast?
9. What is the purpose of const _cast?
10. When is reinterpretcast used?
11. What is STL?
12. elaborate container classes?
13. What are the kinds of containers?
14. What do sequence container, Associate container and container adapters represent?
15.What is meant by 1st class container?
16. elaborate near containers? Why are they called so?
17. elaborate vectors?
18. describe List?
19. What is a map?
20. elaborate the kinds of sequence container?


1. discuss the ways to find info about object class at runtime with example
2. discuss Typecasting in c++ with egs
3. discuss standard template library
4. discuss briefly
a) Container classes
b) vector
c) lists
d) maps
5. discuss counting algorithm with example
6. State removing algorithm with example
7. discuss replacing algorithm with example
8. What is the purpose of reversing algorithm. discuss with example
9. discuss transforming element algorithm with example
10. discuss sequence containers with example

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