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SRM University 2007 B.Tech Information Technology IT208- VISUAL PROGRAMMING - Question Paper

Wednesday, 30 January 2013 08:35Web
20. What is TLS? How it is related to threads?
21. Explain about Dictionary and its Interface.
22. Write down the output of the subsequent.
Dim MyDouble As Double = 123456789
23. Specify the method that deletes a specified number of characters from the instance beginning at a specified position.
24. Mention the methods that determine whether 2 String objects have the identical value or not.
25. Write 5 methods of System.Object.


1. Simulate a LIFO structure by using an array and an integer variable that works as the pointer to the current element.
2. Explain any 5 methods available in String class and any 5 methods in DateTime Class.
3. Write a program to set the current directory as “D:\temp1”. obtain the number of files, number of hidden files and number of system files available in that directory.
4. Write a program to count the number of characters, words, lines, spaces in a provided string.
5. Write a program to obtain the age of a person with the usage of DateTime class.
6. Differentiate the collection class from Arrays. discuss this with sample code.
7. Develop a queue structure, when a portion of an application inserts elements at 1 end of a buffer and a different piece of code extracts the 1st available element at the other end.
8. Explain the Serialization concept with sample code.
9. In terms of Thread, what is the need of Suspend and Resume operations and how can you work with threads.
10. Explain the concept of Synchronization problems related to concurrent access to variables and objects accessible by multiple threads at the identical time.

IV UNIT ques.


1. How you change the font, size and style of a TextBox?
2. Mention the most important events of Form Object.
3. What is Form Inheritance?
4. Write the advantage of Form Inheritance.
5. How can you add elements to ListBox control through programming?
6. Mention the usage of CheckedListBox Control with example.
7. Mention the classes derived from ListControl and discuss why these controls have so many properties in common.
8. Which control is used to create the list of images, create the control with list of images during design time?
9. Write the code to display the color values in 3 textboxes based on the horizontal scroll bar values.
10. Which method will create an object and which will be used to destroy?
11. When can a menu in a form get focus and when can it lose the focus.
12. How do you call a new form from existing form?
13. What is the usage of Dock property?
14. What is LinkLabel Control? discuss.
15. Which event is
- used to focus the control,
- control losing the focus
- validate the control
1. Develop a Railway Reservation System for Reservation, cancellation and viewing the status of the train using Menu designer. every menu with add, modify, delete and view choices. Create the menu using program.
2. Explain with Person class with attributes idno, name, address and the methods GetDetails() and DispDetails(), add objects to ListBox.
3. Explain about splitter control. Write sample code and discuss.
4. Write about properties and methods supported by textbox control.
5. Design a screen to accept learner personal details like the subsequent
Rollno textbox
Name textbox
Course using Radiobuttong ( B.Tech / M.Tech )
Branch select from ComboBox (IT, CSE, MECH, ECE, …)
Accept the values from the user and display all values in a
6. Write in detail about the 6 controls used in Common Dialog with sample code.
7. Explain about the new features of Tree view control.
8. Explain about List View control in detail.

V UNIT ques.


1. Why ADO.NET is simpler than earlier versions of ADO.
2. Mention the limitations of ADO.
3. Write short notes on
- OLE DB.NET data provider
- SQL server .NET Data Provider
- ODBC .NET data provider
4. What the kinds of connection modes. Mention the difference ranging from them
5. Write down the need for a Connection object.
6. Write down the steps to open a connection.
7. What is the purpose of command object? discuss with code.
8. Write about ExecuteReader method.
9. Write about DataReader Object and its purpose.
10. Which method will return the index of a column corresponding to the field name passed as an argument?
11. Which method will return the value of a column at the specified index in its native format?
12. Which method will check if the column at the specified index contains null value.
13. Write about DataSet Object.
14. How can you check the current state of a DataRow object and elaborate the values it can have.
15. What is a DataAdapter class?
16. Write down the usage of connection string.
17. What is the usage of provider used in ADO concept?
18. Where can the method ExecuteNonQuery be used?
19. How can you store data in DataSet?
20. Differentiate ExecuteReader and DataReader.

1. Explain in detail about ADO.NET Object Model.
2. Explain the subsequent
- connection string
- database
- data source
- provider
- open
- close
3. Explain about working with transactions.
4. Explain the subsequent
- CommandTtext
- CommandType
- ExecuteNonQuery
- ExecuteReader
5. Write the sample program to learn data from access database using ExecuteReader method.
6. Write the sample program to learn data from access database using DataReader.
7. Write down the sequence of operations for adding row using DataSet in Disconnected Mode.
8. Write in detail about DataAdapter class with its properties and methods.
9. Develop an application for maintaining learner personal details,
Rollno textbox
Name textbox
Course using Radiobuttong ( B.Tech / M.Tech )
Branch select from ComboBox (IT, CSE, MECH, ECE, …)
And store the info into the table using connected mode of operation.
10. Develop an application to view the details of learner personal details with rollno, name, course and branch attributes in disconnected mode.

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