SRM University 2007 B.Tech Information Technology IT208- VISUAL PROGRAMMING - Question Paper
Wednesday, 30 January 2013 08:35Web
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End Function
End Class
Sub Main()
Dim p1 As New person
End Sub
End Module
1. Mention the different Object Oriented features of Visual Basic .NET.
2. Differentiate Overloading and Overriding concepts with example code.
3. Explain about properties with a sample program.
4. Create a class BankAccount with accno, accname, openingdate, opening balance.
Write properties of the fields as follows
Accno – readonly
Accname – learn and write
Opening date – write only
Opening balance – learn and write
5. Explain about shared members and shared methods. How a shared member and shared methods are used?
6. Explain about sealed and virtual keywords with sample code. Write sample programs to discuss the concept of sealed and virtual concepts.
7. Explain the concept of Interface declaration, implementing the interface and calling the interface with sample code. What is the need of an Interface class.
8. Explain about Delegates. Write a sample code to discuss the concept of Delegates.
III UNIT ques.
1. Will the subsequent declaration provide compilation fault or runtime fault or else.
dim o as Object = New AnyOtherClass()
2. What are the public and protected methods existing in System.Object.
3. How do you get a character at a specified character position?
4. How can you create a shallow copy of an array?
5. How do you sort the array of elements in ascending order and descending order?
6. Explain the follwing code
Dim myDate As Date = New DateTime(1930 ,11, 8)
7. Specify the methods used to convert a String to DateTime.
8. Explain about Displaying the Date and Time with various formats.
9. Define collections and how it differs from arrays.
10. Write the code to retrieve all the drives of current directory
11. How do you display the current directory? Write the complete code.
12. Write the code to display all the hidden or system files of “c:\temp” directory.
13. Write the code to display all the directory names of current drive
14. Mention the classes available to work with files and directories via the classes in the System.IO namespace.
15. Define Serialization.
16. What are the kinds of formatter objects? discuss about every.
17. What is the advantage Serialization?
18. What is Preemptive multitasking and Cooperative multitasking?
19. How can you create a Thread? Which class is necessary to create a Thread?
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