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SRM University 2007 B.Tech Information Technology EC205 -- ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS - I - Question Paper

Wednesday, 30 January 2013 07:20Web
38.The _____ is heavily doped and ______ is lightly doped in BJT.

1. Draw an emitter bias BJT network. Derive expressions for ICQ and VCEQ and define the method of drawing the dc load line on the output characteristics of transistor.
2. Draw a Voltage divider bias BJT network. Derive expressions for ICQ and VCEQ and define the method of drawing the dc load line on the output characteristics of transistor.
3. Draw a self bias FET network. Derive expressions for IDQ and VGSQ and define the method of drawing the dc load line on the output characteristics.
4. Draw a Voltage divider bias FET network. Derive expressions for IDQ and VGSQ and define the method of drawing the dc load line on the output characteristics.
5. Draw a Collector to Base bias BJT network. Derive expressions for ICQ and VCEQ and define the method of drawing the dc load line on the output characteristics of transistor.
6.Draw a voltage divider bias and drain feedback bias E-MOSFET network. discuss the procedure for locating suitable operating point on the transfer characteristics.
7. .Draw a voltage divider bias of depletion kind E-MOSFET network. discuss the procedure for locating suitable operating point on the transfer characteristics.
8. Write about the compensation techniques in detail.
9. For the emitter bias network of figure given, determine.

(a) IB (b) IC (c) VCE (d) VC (e) VE (f) VB (g) VBC
10. Determine the dc bias voltage VCE and the current IC for voltage divider configuration of figure provided and draw the load line and Q point.

11. Determine the quiescent levels of ICQ and VCEQ for the network of provided figure and draw the load line .
12. Determine the subsequent for the network of figure (a).
(a) IDQ (b) VGSQ (c) VD (d) VDS (e) VG

13. Determine the subsequent for the network of figure (b).
(a) IDQ (b) VGSQ (c) VD (d) VDS (e) VG (f) VS.

14. For the n-channel depletion kind MOSFET of figure given, determine
(a) IDQ (b) VGSQ (c) VDS.

15. Determine IDQ and VGSQ for the E-MOSFET of figure provided beneath.

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