SRM University 2007 B.Tech Information Technology IT201 MICROPROCESSOR AND ITS APPLICATIONS - Question Paper
Wednesday, 30 January 2013 06:25Web
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PART A 2 Marks
1. What do you mean by pipelined architecture? How is it implemented in 8086?
2. Explain the physical address formation in 8086.
3. Draw and explain flag register in 8086.
4. Explain the function of the subsequent signals of 8086 (1) ALE (2) DT/ .
5. Explain the function of the subsequent signals (1) (2)
6. Explain the function of the subsequent signals (1) MN/M (2) M/
7. Explain the function of the subsequent signals (1) /GT (2) NMI
8. Explain the function of the subsequent signals (1) (2) READY
9. How does 8086 differentiate ranging from an opcode and instruction data?
10. What is the maximum memory addressing and I/O addressing capability of 8086?
11. From which address the 8086 begins execution after reset.
12. Write down the comparisons ranging from 8088 and 8086.
13. What are the various instruction kinds of 8086?
14. What are the assembler directives and pseudo-ops?
15. How does the CPU identify ranging from eight – bit and 16-bit operations?
16. Bring out the difference ranging from the jump and loop instruction.
17. Which instruction of 8086 can be used for lookup table manipulation?
18. What is the difference ranging from the respective shift and rotate instructions?
19. How will you enter the single step mode of 8086?
20. What is LOCK prefix? What is its use?
21. What is REP prefix? What is its use?
22. What is an assembler?
23. What is a linker?
24. List the advantages of ALP over machine language.
25. What are the DOS function calls?
26. What is the function 4ch under int21h?
27. What is the difference ranging from a NEAR and a FAR procedure?
28. What is interrupt vector table of 8086?
29. What is a nested macro?
30. Explain the term nested interrupt?
31. How do you pass parameters to macro?
32. What is the role of stack in calling a subroutine and returning from the routine?
33. What are the advantages of having segmented memory?
34. Compute the physical address for the subsequent instructions
Given (CS) = 0A00h, (DS) = 0B00h (SI) 0100h (DI) = 0200h
(BX) = 0200H XYZ = 0400h
(a) MOV [BX] + XYZ, CX
(b) MOV [BX] [DI] + XYZ, AL
35. Identify the addressing modes for the subsequent instructions.
(a) MOV [DI], AX
(b) MOV [BX] + XYZ, AL
36. Store the number 5678h in memory location DS:2000h using indirect addressing modes.
37. Write a program to add a data byte located at offset 0500h in 2000h segment to a different data byte available at 0600h in the identical segment and store the outcome at 0700h in the identical segment.
38. Explain the subsequent instructions with example.
(a) AAA (b) DAS
PART B 10 Marks
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