SRM University 2007 B.Tech Information Technology BANK : PROGRAMMING IN JAVA - exam paper
Wednesday, 30 January 2013 06:20Web
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6. What is meant by constructor overloading?
7. What is meant by method overloading?
8. What is a default constructor?
9. What is a parameterized constructor?
10. List down the access specifiers available in java.
11. How will you invoke a member function?
12. What are the 2 ways to pass arguments in java?
13. How will you return objects from a member function?
14. What is the use of finalize() method?
15. What is the use of Garbage collector in java.
16. How does String class differ from the string buffer class?
17. List out any five methods available in string class
18. List out any five methods available in string buffer class
19. What is the use of valueOf() method?
20. What is the use of toString() method?
21. How will you convert numeric strings to primitive numbers using parsing method?
1. discuss method overloading with an example program
2. discuss in detail about constructor overloading with an example
3. discuss about String class, String constructor, and various String methods using a program.
4. discuss about StringBuffer class, StringBuffer constructor, and various StringBuffer methods using a program.
5. discuss in detail about explicitly invoking garbage collector and finalize() method?
1. What is an interface? provide its syntax.
2. How will you extend 1 interface by other interface?
3. How will you implement the concept of multiple inheritance using interfaces?
4. How does java know that the class we create implements a particular interface?
5. Differentiate class and interface
6. List out the similarities ranging from interfaces and classes.
7. What is inheritance? How does it create new classes?
8. Describe various forms of Inheritance in java with examples.
9. Give the syntax of Single inheritance, Multilevel inheritance, and Hierarchical inheritance.
10. What is a Package?
11. What is the default package in java? provide its syntax.
12. How do we add a class or an interface to a package?
13. How will you protect a class from accidental access?
14. What is an object class?
15. When is a class or method declared as ‘final’?
16. When is a class or method declared as ‘abstract’?
17. How is a superclass constructor or method invoked?
18. When is a member of a class declared as ‘static’?
19. Compare and contrast overloading and overriding methods.
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