SRM University 2007 B.Tech Information Technology BANK : COMPUTER GRAPHICS - exam paper
Wednesday, 30 January 2013 06:05Web
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b) Translating one unit in x direction and three units in y direction and then rotating 450 about the origin. What is the need of homogeneous coordinates and provide the homogeneous coordinate transformation matrices for scaling, translation and rotation.
4. Implement the Cohen Sutherland line clipping algorithm
5. discuss liang-barsky line clipping algorithm 6. discuss in detail the Sutherland-Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm 7. Write short note about
a) General pivot point rotation b) General fixed point scaling 8. discuss about homogeneous transformations
UNIT III Part – A 1. discuss parallel projection 2. discuss perspective projection 3. Draw the block diagram of pipeline transforming a view of world coordinate
scene to device coordinate.
4. elaborate called blobby objects? 5. What do you mean by parametric continuity, Zero order continuity, 1st order continuity, 2nd order continuity? 6. What is convex hull? 7. State the properties of Bezier curves. 8. State the properties of B-Spline curves.
9. Why quadratic surfaces are frequently used?
10. elaborate the 3 equivalent methods for specifying spline representation?
11. What is meant by polygon table?
12. discuss boundary representation with example.
13. Differentiate ranging from interpolation spline and approximate spline
14. What is hermite spline and provide the boundary condition for hermite curve?
15. What is cardinal spline & kochanck-bartels spline?
16. provide a few advantages of B-Splaines.
1. Explain the different methods of 3 dimensional displays.
2. write short note about
a) Polygon tables
b) Plane equations
c) Polygon meshes.
3. discuss the different classifications of cubic spline interpolation methods.
4. discuss briefly about the beizeir curves and surfaces.
5. What is called B-splaine curves? discuss any 3 B-splaine curves.
Part – A
1. Give the matrix representation for 3D translation, rotation & scaling.
2. Explain the reflection & shear for 3D.
3. What are all the 2 projection methods?
4. What is called axonometric and isometric projections?
5. Draw the 3 dimensional transformation pipeline.
6. Explain vanishing point and principal vanishing point.
7. Mention the classifications of visible surface detection algorithms
8. Explain Z-buffer method.
9. Explain A-buffer method.
10. What is binary space portioning tree?
11. List the advantages and disadvantages of z-buffer algorithm
12. What is area subdivision algorithm?
13. Derive the 3D transformation matrix to transform world coordinates to view coordinates.
14. Explain about octree method.
15. What are the 2 approaches of visible surface detection?
16. Write the procedure for depth buffer method.
17. Explain the basic functions of depth sorting method.
18. State the demerits of depth buffer method.
19. Explain about shear and reflection transformation.
20. Explain about the viewing parameter.
21. compare parallel projections And perspective projections
22. elaborate the data for every surface area in the linked list?
23. Compare cavaliar and cabinet projections.
1. discuss about general 3 dimensional rotation.
2. explain in detail about basic 3D transformations
3. discuss about projections.
4. discuss the depth buffer method of visible surface detection method.
5. discuss about scan-line method
6. discuss briefly about depth sorting method.
7. discuss about area-subdivision method.
Part – A
1. Discuss the properties of light.
2. Define chromaticity, complementary colors, color gamut and primary colors.
3. What is color model?
4. Define hue, saturation and value.
5. Explain XYZ color model.
6. Explain RGB color model.
7. Explain YIQ color model.
8. Explain CMY color model.
9. Explain HSV color model.
10. Give the procedure to convert HSV & RGB color model.
11. What are called halftones?
12. Explain dithering techniques.
13. Write short notes on polygon rendering methods.
14. Write short notes on transparency
15. What is diffused reflection and specular reflection?
16. Explain constant intensity shading algorithm
17. What is called as half toning?
18. What are the steps carried out a polygon surface is rendered using phong shading?
19. what are the steps carried out a polygon surface is rendered using gouraud
20. What is dither noise?
21. What is called as ray tracing?
22. What is the use of chromaticity diagram?
23. What is illumination model?
24. elaborate the basic illumination models?
25. What is called as lightness?
26. What is called as fast phong shading?
27. provide illumination parameters.
28. Expalin the conversion of CMY to RGB representation.
1. discuss about HSV Color Model.
2. Write short notes about
a) YIQ Color Model.
b)CMY Color Model.
3. discuss about HLS Color Model.
4. What is called as halftones? discuss about halftone approximations.
5. discuss about phong shading and gouraud shading method of polygon rendering.
6. discuss about dithering techniques.
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