SRM University 2007 B.Tech Information Technology BANK : COMPUTER GRAPHICS - exam paper
Wednesday, 30 January 2013 06:05Web
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b) Flood fill algorithm
TWO DIMENSIONAL GRAPHICS 2-Marks 1. How is translation applied? 2. What is referred to as rotation? 3. Write down the rotation formula and rotation matrix. 4. What is called scaling transformation? 5. Write the matrix representation for scaling, translation and rotation. 6. Draw the block diagram for 2D viewing transformation pipeline. seven Mention the formula for homogeneous transformation. 8. What is known as composition of matrix? 9. Write the composition transformation matrix for scaling, translation and
Rotation.. 10. explain about the general pivot point rotation? 11. explain about the general fixed point scaling. 12. What is called as clipping? 13. elaborate the kinds of clipping? 14. discuss line clipping procedures. 15. discuss window, view port and window - to - view port transformation 16. Mention the 3 raster functions available in graphics packages. 17. What is known as region codes? 18. Why Cohen Sutherland line clipping is popular? 19. Mention the point clipping condition for the liang-barsky line clipping. 20. Mention the tests done to the pair of adjacent polygon vertices passed to a
Window boundary clipper. 21. What is called as an exterior clipping? 22. How are the region code bit values determined? 23. Why liang-barsky line clipping is more efficient than Cohen Sutherland line
Clipping? 24. Differentiate uniform and differential scaling. 25. Translate a polygon with co-ordinates A (5, 10), B(7,15) and C(10,2) by three
Units in direction and four units in y direction. 26. A point (4,3) is rotated counter clockwise direction by an angle of 450 obtain
The rotation matrix and the resulting point. 27. State the function for setWorkstationWindow & setWorkstationViewport.
Part – B 1. explain in detail about basic transformations. 2. discuss the composite transformations. 3. obtain a transformation of triangle A(1,0), B(0,1) and C(1,1) by a} Rotating 450 about the origin and then translating 1 unit in x & y
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