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SRM University 2007 B.Tech Information Technology BANK : COMPUTER GRAPHICS - exam paper

Wednesday, 30 January 2013 06:05Web


ques. BANK




1. What is the different applications of computer graphics?
2. Explain about CAD.
3. List the advantages and disadvantages of DVST.
4. Write short notes on
a. Persistence
b. resolution
c. Aspect ratio
5. Define pixel.
6. What is meant by frame buffer?
7. List the important characteristics of video display device.
8. What are the 2 basic techniques for producing color display with a CRT?
9. Give 3 difference ranging from shadows mask & beam penetration method?
10. Explain about flat panel displays devices.
11. List the important characteristics of hardcopy devices.
12. Differentiate LCD & LEDs.
13. List the classification of the printers.
14. Comparison ranging from line printers and dot matrix printers.
15. Explain the features of Inkjet printer.
16. Name the input devices.
17. Compare track ball and space ball
18. Define digitizers.
19. Explain about Joysticks.
20. List the advantages of the laser printer.
21. What are the various types of co-ordinate representation?
22. What is meant by Language binding?
23. Mention the 2 software standards?
24. Explain about PHIGS workstation.
25. Discuss the merits and demerits of DDA line drawing algorithm?
26. Explain the properties of an ellipse.
27. Explain the steps in DDA line drawing algorithm.
28. Name any 2 output primitives function.
29. Explain the steps in Bresenham's line drawing algorithm.
30. Define the term decision parameter.
31. Write the general program structure of PHIGS?
32. Define electrostatics device.
33. Explain about touch panel and light pen.
34. describe Bitmap and pixmap.
35. What is the difference ranging from Raster scan and random scan?
36. Explain the working principle of CRT.
37. Explain about image processing.
38. Name any 3 output primitive function.
39. Give the function for displaying a filled polygon.
40. Mention the raster functions that are used in graphical packages.

10 marks

1. discuss about the different application of computer graphics.
2. discuss briefly about input device.
3. discuss briefly about Hardcopy device
4. discuss about color CRT monitors
5. discuss the working principle of CRT tubes.
6. discuss about DDA line drawing algorithm.
7. Write the algorithm for Bresenham's line drawing algorithm with example.
8. discuss about midpoint circle drawing algorithm with example.
9. Write the algorithm for ellipse generating algorithm
10. discuss about scan line polygon fill algorithm
11. Write short notes about

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