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SRM University 2007 B.Tech Information Technology BANK __IT303-WEB TECHNOLOGY - Question Paper

Wednesday, 30 January 2013 05:45Web
10. Define Core Perl package.
11. What is mod-perl?
12. List a few of the command-line swiches used with perl.exe.
13. Write the comment statement of Perl.
14. List the different data kinds available in Perl.
15. Define Matching operator,Range operator and ‘eq’ operator.
16. List a few of the Perl packages and their functionality.
17. Write a sample Perl code for checking whether 2 provided strings are equal.
18. Write a sample Perl code for listing all the words ending with ‘nt’ in a provided sentence
19. Define regular expression.
20. What are meta characters?
21. What are modifying characters?
22. List a few of Perl’s modifying characters.
23. Define Mail Server.
24. What is Perl’s Net package?
25. Define Perl’s scope operator.
26. Define the functions ‘to()’ , ‘datasend()’ and ‘mail()’.
27. What are CGI Environmental variables?
28. Define the ‘use’ statement of Perl.
29. Define function ‘header’.
30. What is ENV hash table in Perl?
31. List a few of the CGI Environmental variables.
32. What is the Perl package used to connect to ODBC database
33. What is the function used to fetch a row from the recordset in perl?
34. What is the function used to convert a record into a hashed table in perl?
35. Define the function ‘split()’.
36. How a user described function is described and invoked in Perl?
37. What is the use of ‘die()’ function?
1. Design a web-page that incorporates a Web-page hit counter and displays environmental variables using Perl.
2. Describe the steps involved in configuring PWS for Perl CGI.
3. Write notes on Perl data kinds.
4. Write a Perl program to implement a simple search Engine.
5. Design a web-page to send E-Mails to the intended users using PERL.
6. Write a Perl program to display the environmental variables in a web-page.
7. Design a web-page to accept a user query and display the records using Perl.
8. Design a web-page that accepts user’s name and password and validates it using Perl.

1. List the networking features of Java.
2. What are,java.rmi,org.omg packages?
3. What is a request-response model?
4. List the features of Servlets.
5. List the Web Servers that support Servlets.
6. What is Servlet Interface?List the methods described by this interface.
7. What are the 2 predefined classes that implement the Servlet Interface.
8. Differentiate Http “Get” and “Post” request.
9. List the methods of HttpServlet class.
10. What does a HttpServletRequest object represents?
11. What does a HttpServletResponse object represents?
12. List the methods described by HttpServletRequest Interface.
13. List the methods described by HttpServletResponse Interface.
14. Write the installation and configuration procedure of JSWDK
15. What is the primary purpose of Http GET request?
16. When is the ServletException thrown?
17. What does a PrintWriter object represent?
18. What is the purpose of the setContentType() method of response object?
19. What is a handshake point?
20. Define a port.
21. Write the steps involved in defining a various port number for JSWDK WebsServer.
22. What does “localhost” refer to?
23. What is URL prefix?
24. What is the primary purpose of Http GET request?
25. What is a multi tier application?
26. Define ‘connection’ and ‘statement’ objects.
27. What is a Cookie?
28. What is the working technique behind cookies?
29. How is it possible to set the expiration time for a cookie?
30. Write the limitation in the number of cookies stored per web site.
31. What is the method used to add a cookie as part of response object?
32. List a few of the methods of the Cookie class.
33. What is Session Tracking?
34. What is the method used to create a session?
35. List a few of the methods of Session class.

1. Write notes on Servlet,HttpServletReques and HttpServletResponse Interfaces.
2. Design a Pet Survey Web-page and validate the responses of the user using Servlet Http Post Request.
3. Design a Guest Book Web-page to allow users to write their comments regarding servlets and store the identical in acess database using JDBC-Servlets.
4. Design a Web-page to allow user to choose the programming language and display the Recommended books for the identical using Servlet –Cookies.
5. Design a Web-page to allow user to choose the programming language and display the Recommended books for the identical using Servlet –Sessions.

1. What is ASP.NET?
2. What is Web Matrix?
3. Write the basic requirements for hosting a website created using ASP.NET.
4. What is Postback?
5. What is ADO.NET?
6. What is a Connection object? elaborate the info incorporated in it?
7. What are the 2 ways of providing credentials in SQL Server?
8. What is a Command object?What are the different properties of command object?
9. What is the “commandText” property of command object?
10. What is a outcome set?
11. How many rows does a data learner object fetch at a time?
12. What is a data set?
13. What are the 2 ways of preserving outcome set during round trips in ASP.NET?
14. What is data biding?
15. Write the steps involved in creating a database and entering values in a table in ASP.NET?
16. Define the data types-NChar,NVarChar,Char and NChar.
17. What are the 2 controls that are created when a table is dragged and dropped into design view of Web Matrix ?
18. What is a SqlDataSourceControl?
19. What is Script Injection Attacks?
20. What is the use of Server.HtmlEncode method?
21. List the different Validation controls available in ASP.NET?
22. What is a RegularExpressionValidator?
23. What is a CustomValidator?Write the steps to create a custom validator which allows input length of 10-100 characters in a textbox.
24. What are Range and Comapre Validators?
25. What is an E-Mail Server?
26. How does the SMTP Virtual Server works?
27. Write the steps involved in setting windows permissions to send e-mail messages.
28. What is the primary security threat to an SMTP Server?
29. Define the namespace “System.Web.Mail” .
30. Define SmtpMail object and MailMesage object.

1. Design a ASP.NET Page tbat displays the picture slides taken during a vacation trip to Mexico as a SlideShow.
2. Design a ASP.NET Page that displays the Friends Contact list from database.
3. Design a ASP.NET Guest Book Page and performs validation on name ,email format and comment length
4. Write the steps involved in installing and configuring an SMTP Virtual Server?
5. Design a ASP.NET Page to send Email messages.
6. Design a ASP.NET Guest Book Page to send Email Alerts when a new guest book entry is made.
7. Design a ASP.NET Page to send Email messages with the feature of attaching images.

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