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SRM University 2007 B.Tech Information Technology BANK __IT303-WEB TECHNOLOGY - Question Paper

Wednesday, 30 January 2013 05:45Web
24. What is a Schema?
25. What is XML-Data?
26. What is DCD?
27. Define the subsequent elements
a. xsl:when
b. xsl:choose
c. xsl:otherwise
d. xsl:element
e. xsl:attribute
28. What is XSL?
29. What is an XSL Transformation?
30. What is the use of ‘xsl:for-each’ and ‘xsl:value-of’ element?
31. Define the XML ‘xmlns’ attribute.
32. Give any 2 predefined XML namespaces.
33. Define the cloneNode() method of XML.
34. Define the XML DOM method ‘tranformNodeToObject()’.
35. What is XHTML?

1. a.List the different Font and Block level Style sheet characteristics and their possible values.
b. List the different Content Positioning Style sheet characteristics and their possible values.
2. Design a html page with style info embedded ,inline with tags
3. a.Describe the 2 ways of grouping style info in a document.
b.Design a html page where formatting style info are linked to the document from an external file.
4. Describe Microsoft’s and Netscape’s ans to DHTML.
5. a.Describe Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer Event Model
b.Describe how fonts could be downloaded dynamically on Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer.
8. List the different properties and methods of a ‘layer’ object.
9. Design a Netsacpe Academic-Page which uses Popup Menu.
10. Design a Web-page to demonstrate real-time changing of HTML documents using the innerHTML and outerHTML property.
11. Design a HTML page to define the different filter effects on images and text.
12. Design a HTML page which displays the book listings from an external text file using data-binding.
13. Create a HTML document with embedded XML Data Island to display Book details
14. Create a XML document to display the Employee details using DTD
15. Create a n XML document with buttons to sort learner details based on grade and filter learner records based on department using XSL.

1. What is SSI?
2. Write a sample code that implements a Web-Page hit counter using SSI.
3. Define DATE_LOCAL and EXEC CGI SSI commands.
4. Write the perl code for opening a file “mydat.txt” in append mode and learn its contents and write data to it.
5. Differentiate Server side and Client side programming.
6. What is CGI?
7. Define URL.
8. What is PERL?
9. What are the features of Perl that made it the logical option for server side programming?

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