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SRM University 2001 B.Tech Electronics and Communications Engineering Ec0305- antenna and wave propagation - Question Paper

Wednesday, 30 January 2013 03:25Web

This is the university ques. paper for antenna and wave propagation ,November 2011,5th semester.

BlTcfe. WEGRi'JE EXAMI.N VTION. NOVEMBER 2811 Fifth Semester


tFvr ion cumiKiaita LiuMimta;rvm :** war !0 ~;tMS an wards > us: Ttaes Hours    Max Maris: 100

,-taswer AU Questions

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S*e<fee: iitaiiait jmi Jtaatitan,

*. w-a-. > njc jaiama Tanks jjt Au. Vs*aL !$* Trartsmttrim >wncmtii f * -ncsA* xmesna *% ruts, * 5riS pair: k .-rtpim.: joatrnnt H.' im* thi .us* stimu ur r> au te sucvr'1 Bfcfiae: tm&THfcl.Bie*- scan-ISH&iratiaic hraadswie anJ end firt arar-Wna: a*e the v*rwws feeds used ir, reflector?

Wta k a beqaeacy jftJrpendwt jsmenna'?

Define Polarization.

Define: Gam of an Antenna

Find the iaree of Los svstem when the receive and cmsxnit rtnra heights arc 10m and 100m respectively. Define; Maximum L'saWe Frequency (MUFl

PART - B (5 x 16 - 80 Marks)

.. Derive the total power radiated bv a half wave dipole.

(10 Marks)

ii- Skew that the radiation resistance of half wave dipole is

fftr' j - *r*<    (6Mis)

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State and prove [evipnjcKv mnmg uu itn > .


Derive the expression for the far field peUtetn of an am of 2-isotropic point stnirces.

(t> Equal amplitude aod phase    (6 Mari:

t> Equal ampiinade and opposite phase <6 Mark; (&) Uratqual Mnpfetuje arai ae$ phase (4 Mark

(OH*    ' 9 Pxrfain dr &>@cwHg:

v; gtiwripte cf gatttt* mufririxai'tm    iW)j||

-a): BwbbbmI Agqgs    #tMi

Wr>*f was* e    :

sfi M-kts* Ajnumk .    v4.Miil

la'. Dero* m ogaesae*



Wh .nett diagram explain she construction i of Ysc--ad* anienru.

Describe the methods form measuring the g] antenna.


Write notes on:

(i)    Phase movement    (6%l

(ii)    Directivity measurement    (

(iii)    Antenna efficiency measurement (4 \Ia


Kxplain briefly the various modes of propagatkw.||H


Discuss in detail about ionospheric abnormalities.


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