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Sathyabama University 2007 B.A Sociology (Optional - I) - Question Paper

Wednesday, 30 January 2013 01:10Web

Instruction : (1) All ques. are compulsory.
(2) All ques. carry equal marks.
1 provide the meaning of Kinship and explain its importance. 20
1 Illustrate the rules of endogamy and exogamy.
2 "Dowry System is a social issue." explain it. 20
2 explain patriarchal family system with reference of illom
3 explain the matriarchal family in India. 20
3 define the gender problem.
4 provide the meaning of joint family and explain its functions 20
and disfunctions.
4 provide the factors of change in family.
5 Write short notes : (any two) 20
(1) Brideg-room price Bride price.
(2) Nuclear family.
(3) Heurate - Sororate
(4) outcomes of Divorce

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