Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya 2007-4th Sem B.B.A (.) , , - Question Paper
Tuesday, 29 January 2013 05:15Web
B.B.A (4TH SEM.) EXAM, May, 2007
Unit 1.
Q. “ All contract are agreements but all agreement are not contract”. Comment with suitable arguments and discuss the essential elements of a contract.
Q. What is meant by breach of contract? elaborate the remedies against breach of contract? define them.
Unit 2.
Q. describe ‘ Pledge’ . How does it differ from bailment? State the right of Pawnor and Pawnee.
Q. define the consumer disputes redressal machinery giver in the consumer Protection Act.
Unit 3.
Q. Distinguist ranging from ‘ Condition and Warranty’. State the different conditions and warranties implied in a contract of sale of goods.
Q. What is meant by unpaid seller? elaborate his rights in respect of goods’ sold by him?
Unit 4.
Q. What is Foreign Exchange Management Act? discuss its objectives.
Q. discuss the restrictions imposed on payment in Foreign Exchange. Are there any exceptions to it?
Unit: 5
Q. What is meant by a Company? Write the process of incorporation of a company.
Q. What is Company Prospectus? discuss briefly the contents of a prospectus issued by a new company
under the Indian Companies Act.
Earning: Approval pending. |