Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad 2009-1st Year B.Pharm Code No:N7-104-BP,.acy Regular s,e , PHARMACEUTICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY-1. - Question Paper
For Code No:N7-104-BP,.B.Pharmacy I year Regular Examinations,June 2009, PHARMACEUTICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY-1.
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B. Pharmacy I Year Regular Examinations, June 2009
Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks
1. a) Write short notes on inductive effects of organic molecules and its
b) Write short notes on Molecular structure elucidation with
examples. [8+8]
2. Give a detailed account of mechanism and stereochemistry of El
and E2 reactions with particular reference to aliphatic and alicyclic compounds. [16]
3. a) Write short notes on a general method of derivatizing benzene.
b) Outline the various types of Arene reactions with examples. [8+8]
4. What is SN2 reaction? Discuss the mechanism of SN2 reaction with the help of one suitable example? Give proof for the mechanism. [16]
5. a) Define and classify alcohols with suitable examples.
b) What is nucleophile? Explain the mechanism of nucleophilic
substitution with suitable examples. [7+9]
6. Explain in detail the following reactions with at least four examples for each:
a) Addition reactions and
b) Condensation reactions of the carbonyl group. [16]
7. a) Discuss the fate and stability of carbonium ions with examples.
b) Explain the mechanism of Hoffmanns degradation reaction. [8+8]
8. How will you prepare the following?
a) Methyl amine from ethylamine
b) Ethyl isocyanide from ethylamine.
c) Secondary amine from primaiy amine. [16]
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