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Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences 2009-2nd Year B.D.S Dental Surgery I –(GENERAL MEDICINE (RS

Tuesday, 29 January 2013 11:05Web

III B.D.S Degree exam – January 2009

Time: three Hrs. [Max. Marks: 100]
QP Code: 1159

Your answers should be specific to the ques. asked.
Draw neat tagged diagrams wherever necessary.

LONG ESSAY [2 X 10 = 20 Marks]
1.Define meningitis. define the clinical presentation of a case of TB meningitis. Mention the signs to be elicited. How is such a case investigated?
2.What is acute severe asthma? elaborate the ways by which such cases are treated? Mention 2 drugs that are contra-indicated to asthmatic patients

SHORT ESSAY [10 X five = 50 Marks]
7.Factors to be dealt with in diabetic ketoacidosis
8.Importance of sputum exam
9.Outline the method of examining trigeminal nerve
10.Describe the clinical features of vitamin d deficiency
12.Describe the causes of Jaundice

SHORT ANSWERS [10 X three = 30 Marks]
14.Human Insulins
15.Adverse effects of NSAIDS (non steroid Anti Inflammatory Drugs)
16.Mention 3 ACE inhibitors
17.Mention the cellular components of blood
18.Mention the ill effects of alcohol abuse
19.Cyanosis – 3 causes
20.Afferent and efferent of “jaw-jerk reflex”
21.Characteristics of Staphylococci
22.Name 3 anti-epileptic drugs

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