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Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India (ICFAI) University 2006 B.E Database Management Systems - Question Paper

Monday, 17 June 2013 09:55Web

Note : Attempt any three ques. in all. Q1 is compulsory. every ques. carries 10 marks.
Time : 11/2 Hours
Maximum Marks : 30


( a )

What is the primary goal of DBMS?


( b )
What are the components of query processor?
( c ) Distinguish ranging from a weak entity set and a strong entity set.
( d ) Define the concept of aggregation with an example.
( e ) Differentiate ranging from DDL and DML.


( a )

elaborate the 5 main functions of database administrator?


( b )

What is a storage manager? List and discuss the main components of a storage manager.


( a )
Distinguish ranging from primary key, candidate key and super key.


( b )
How are composite and multi-valued attributes represented in an ER diagram? 2
( c ) A database is being constructed to keep track of the teams and games of a sports league. A team has a number of players, not all of whom participate in every game. It is desired to keep track of the players participating in every game for every team, the position they played in that game and the outcome of the game. Design an ER diagram for this application stating clearly the assumptions made. select your favorite game (baseball, cricket...). 5


( a )
Consider the subsequent relations for a database that keeps track of business trips of salespersons in a sales office:

Salesperson (SSN, Name, Start-year, Dept-no)
Trip (SSN, From-city, To-city, Departure-date, Return-date, Trip-id)
Expense (Trip-id, Account#, Amount)

Specify the subsequent queries in relational algebra:

a) provide the details (all attributes of trip relation) for trips that exceed Rs 2000/- in expenses.
b) Print the SSN of the salesmen who took trips to 'Nepal'.
c) Print the total trip expenses incurred by the salesman with SSN='200'


( b )
What are the commonly used aggregate functions used in Relational Algebra? 2
( c ) Explain the subsequent expressions in relational algebra:

1) Outer join
2) Natural join

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