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Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India (ICFAI) University 2006 B.E Computer Architecture - Question Paper

Monday, 17 June 2013 09:25Web

Database Management System
Paper Code : ETCS – 309

Note : Attempt any three ques. in all. Q1 is compulsory. every ques. carries 10 marks.

Time : 11/2 Hours
Maximum Marks : 30

Computer Architecture


( a )

In a certain scientific calculation it is necessary to perform the arithmetic operation (Ai + Bi)(Ci + Di) with a stream of numbers. Specify a pipeline configuration to carry out this task. List the contents of all the registers in the pipeline for i=1 to 6.


( b )
Give Flynn's classification Computer Architectural schemes. 4
( c ) A non-pipelined system takes 50ns to process a task. The identical task can be processes in a six-segment pipeline with a clock cycle of 10ns. Determine the speedup ratio of the pipeline for 100 tasks. What is the maximum speedup that can be achieved? Also determine the efficiency of this pipeline. 3


( a )

discuss in detail the PCI bus architecture. Also explain PCI bus arbitration.


( b )

What do you mean by null modem? Where is it used?
( c ) Briefly differentiate ranging from Cisc and Risc architectures. 4


( a )
The logical address space in a computer consists of 128 segments. every segment can have up to 32 pages of 4K words in every. The physical memory consists of 4K page frames of 4K words in every.

1. Formulate the logical and physical address formats. (3)
2. provide the binary number of the logical address for the segment 36 and word number 2000 in page 15. (2)

( b )
What do you mean by a page fault? Briefly explain 1 of the page replacement policies. 2
( c ) Discuss any 2 address translation schemes used in virtual memory environment. 3


Write short notes on :


( a )

( b )

( c )
Device drivers

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