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Dr MGR Educational and Research Institute 2007 M.B.B.S Subject code -4015 Biochemistry - Question Paper

Monday, 17 June 2013 05:05Web

Subject code -4015
First MBBS degree exam
Paper- Biochemistry
Time – three hrs Marks- 100

Attempt all ques.
part A

1. What is Gluconeogenesis? Write the reaction leading to the formation of Glucose from lactic acid mentioning the key enzymes.Add a note on its regulation. (20)
2. Write Briefly on: (3*5=15)
a. Composition and functions of Phospholipids.
b. Isoenzymes and their diagnostic importance.
c. Formation and functions of calcitriol.

part B
3. What are aromatic amino acids? define the metabolism of 1 of them. Name inborn errors of metabolism connected to these amino acids. (20)
4. Write short notes on : (3*5=15)
a. Catabolism of purines
b. Absorption and transport of Iron in the body.
c. Features of Genetic code.

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