Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences 2009-1st Year B.Sc Nursing / (General Psychology
First year B.Sc. (Nursing - Basic) Degree Examination Aug / Sept 2009
Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 80 Marks
(Revised Scheme)
Q.P. CODE: 1680
Your answers should be specific to the questions asked
Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary
LONG ESSAYS (Answer any Two) |
2 x 10 = 20 Marks |
1. |
Define psychology and explain the scope of psychology in nursing profession |
2. |
Explain Freuds theory of personality development |
3. |
Define motivation and discuss the Maslows Hierarchy theory of motivation |
SHORT ESSAYS (Answer any Eight) |
8 x 5 = 40 Marks |
4. |
Examine the types and uses of intelligence tests |
5. |
Explain educational implications of transfer of learning |
6. |
Define emotion and explain the relation between emotion and motive |
7. |
Define personality and explain the antisocial behaviour |
8. |
Attitude measurement and its implications in nursing |
9. |
Explain any three methods of educational psychology |
10. |
Define perception and explain the concept of extra sensory perception |
11. |
Explain tools of thinking |
12. |
Explain purposes of evaluation and their steps |
13. |
Write about the behaving organism |
10 x 2 = 20 Marks |
14. |
Perceptual errors |
15 |
Creativity |
16. |
Division of attention |
17. |
Emotion and health |
18. |
Insight learning |
19. |
Causes of forgetting |
20. |
Projective test |
21. |
Reinforcement |
22. |
Biological motive |
23. |
Errors in thinking |
Earning: Approval pending. |