Rajiv Gandhi University (Arunachal University) 2008-3rd Sem B.E Chemical Engineering BEAPPLIED THERMODYNAMICS I - Question Paper
Tuesday, 29 January 2013 02:35Web
Note: part A is compulsory. Attempt any 4 ques. from part B and 2 from part
part A Marks two every
(a) What is a steam accumulator and its function?
(b) elaborate the ideal working fluids for binary vapour cycle. provide reasons.
(c) elaborate boiler mountings and accessories? Differentiate.
(d) describe supersaturated flow.
(e) What is condition curve? explain.
(f) elaborate back pressure and extraction turbines? Illustrate.
(g) What is isothermal efficiency of a compressor?
(h) describe vacuum efficiency of a condenser.
(i) List the different losses taking place in a steam turbine.
(j) What is meant by overall efficiency of a turbine?
part B Marks five every
2. define spring loaded safety valve with the help of a diagram.
3. A boiler produces 8.9 kg of steam per kg of coal from feed water at 45oC. The pressure of the steam
is 10.5 bar. And dryness fraction 0.96. What is equivalent evaporation from and at 100oC per kg of
4. Dry saturated steam at 3.5 bar having negligible velocity expands in a convergent nozzle to 1.3 bar
and dryness fraction 0.94.Calculate velocity of steam leaving nozzle.
5. What is compounding and its advantages? define briefly velocity compounding.
6. define the methods of attaching blades to turbine rotor.
part C Marks 10 every
7. define Stirling boiler with the help of a neat diagram giving its construction and working.
8. A De-Level turbine is supplied 15 kg/min of steam with a velocity of 1000 m/s. The nozzle angle is
20oC. Mean blade velocity is 400 m/s and inlet and outlet angles of blades are equal. Find:
(a) Blade angles
(b) Tangential force on blades
(c) Power developed.
9. The piston of an air compressor has a displacement of 12 m3/min. If air intake is at one bar and 15oC
and compressor in 70 s raises the pressure in two m3 receiver to 7.5 bar and temperature is 40oC, what is
the volumetric efficiency of compressor?
presume initial pressure and temperature in the receiver to be one bar and 15oC.
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