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Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya 2008-4th Sem M.C.A Computer Aplications .(ester) , e, - exam paper

Tuesday, 29 January 2013 01:05Web

M.C.A.(Fourth Semester) EXAMINATION, June, 2008
(New Course)
[MCA - 401(N)]
Time : 3 Hours
Maxmimum Marks : 100
Minimum Pass Marks : 40

Note : Attempt 1 ques. from every Unit. All ques. carry equal marks.

Unit - I

1.(a) Write a LISP program to convert centigrade temperatures to Fahrenheit.
(b) obtain a good state space representation for the Missionaries and Cannibals issue.
2.(a) define your own criteria for computer software to be considered intelligent.
(b) describe a function called intersection in LISP which takes 2 lists as arguments. The function
should return a list containing single occurrences of all elements which appear in both input
For example :
(intersection(a b e g k l),(a c e g x y)) should return.

Unit - II
3.(a)(i) provided a three gallon jug and a five gallon jug (without any markings). Is it possible to get
exactly one gallon of water from a well ? If so, how ? If not, why not ?
(ii) What if we have only a four gallon and a six gallon jug ? Is it possible to get one gallon of
water ? If so how ? If not, why not ?
(b) elaborate the issues in Hill Climbing TEchniques ? How to overcome these problmes ? discuss
with example.


4.(a) Trace the constrain satisfaction procedure for solving the subsequent cryptarithmetic issue :

(B) Why heuristic search techniques are considered to be more paowerful that the traditional
search techniques ?

Unit - III

5. (a) Consider the subsequent sentences:
(i) Any 1 passing their history examinations and winning the lottery is happy.
(ii) Any 1 who studies or is lucky can pass all their examinations.
(iii) John did not study but he is lucky.
(iv) Any 1 who is lucky wins the lottery.

Translate theabove phrases into a clause form and show that 'Is John Happy' using
(b) Construct a script for going to a exam using conceptual dependency.

6. (a) discuss the semantic nets and make the partitioned semantic net for the subsequent sentence:
"Every dog in town has bitten the constable."
(b) Show a conceptual dependancy representation of the subsequent sentence :
"John prevent Mary from giving a book to bill".

Unit - IV
7. (a) define a Parse Tree for the sentence :
"The green cow munched the grass" using the natural language grammer.
(b) Write down the minimax algorithm and discuss with the help of an example.


8.(a) elaborate the components of a planning system ? Differentiate ranging from goal-state and
non-linear planning.
(b) Make the augmented transition network for the subsequent sentence :
"Every cloud has a silver lining".

Unit - V
9.(a) Consider a bulb manufacturing unit. Here machines M1,M2,and M3 make 30%,30% and 40% of
total bulbs. Of their output, lets presume that 2%,3% and 4% are defective. A bulb is drawn at
random and is obtained defective. What is the probability that the bulb is made by machine M1,M2
and M3 ?
(b) Sketch the architecture of an expert system, showing the major components and
interrelationships ranging from these components and briefly define the role of every component.


10.(a) Would it be reasonable to apply Samuel's role learning procedure to chess ? Why(not) ?
(b) "A pigeon walking on the ground spots a piece of bread. knowing where the bread it, is picks
it up its beak and eats it." Is it the case of learning ? Justify your ans.

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