DOEACC Society 2006 DOEACC A Level A8-R3 Basic of OS, Unix & Shell Programming ( ) - Question Paper
Thursday, 13 June 2013 07:20Web
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1. There are 2 PARTS in this Module/Paper. PART 1 contains FOUR
ques. and PART 2 contains 5 ques..
2. PART 1 is to be answered in the TEAR-OFF ans SHEET only,
attached to the ques. paper, as per the instructions contained therein. PART
ONE is NOT to be answered in the ans book.
3. Maximum time allotted for PART 1 is 1 HOUR. ans book for PART
TWO will be supplied at the table when the ans sheet for PART 1 is
returned. However, candidates, who complete PART 1 earlier than one
hour, can collect the ans book for PART 2 immediately after handing
over the ans sheet for PART ONE.
(PART 1 – 40; PART 2 – 60)
(Answer all the questions)
1. every ques. beneath provide a multiple option of answers. select the most
improper 1 and enter in the “tear-off” ans sheet attached to the ques.
paper, subsequent instructions therein. (1 x 10)
1.1 The command that compares 2 files and suggests modifications to make them identical is
A) cmp
B) cat
C) comm
D) diff
1.2 Which of subsequent files get redirected using grep “name” myfile 1> yourfile ?
A) standard input
B) standard output
C) standard fault
D) system will display an fault message.
1.3 In vi, 3yy in command mode will
A) copy current line and 2 lines before it for later pasting.
B) copy current line and 2 lines after it for later pasting.
C) delete current line and 2 lines before it for later pasting.
D) delete current line and 2 lines after it for later pasting.
1.4 cat << test will
A) redirect standard input from file test.
B) continue on studying from the standard input till test is not entered as the only word in a line.
C) append standard input with the contents of the file test.
D) system will display an fault message.
A8-R3 Page one of six July, 2006
1.5 set command cannot be used to
A) place values into the positional parameters.
B) display a list of the environment variables.
C) act as a debugging tool for shell scripts.
D) change the system clock.
1.6 Which of the subsequent commands cannot be used to take a backup of files?
A) cp
B) tar
C) cpio
D) dd
1.7 Which of the subsequent commands can be used to view a file and move either forwards or
backwards in it?
A) cat
B) head
C) more
D) pr
1.8 Which of the subsequent is not a command separator?
A) |
B) ;
C) &
D) #
1.9 To avail the services given by a server on the Internet, it is necessary for the
application to specify
A) Ethernet address of the server.
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