DOEACC Society 2006 DOEACC A Level - A10.1-R3 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
Thursday, 13 June 2013 07:10Web
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2.1 C++ requires const to be initialized.
2.2 When we are using manipulator we are in fact calling a member function.
2.3 We can inherit a new class from the class template.
2.4 When an exception is not caught, the program is aborted.
2.5 A class can inherit the attributes of 2 or more classes, is known as multilevel inheritance.
2.6 A constructor can be used to convert a class kind to basic kind data.
2.7 NULL is a keyword.
2.8 The static member variables must be described outside the class.
2.9 Pure virtual functions can never have a body.
2.10 Creating a derived class from a base class requires a fundamental change to the base class.
3. Match words and phrases in column X with the nearest related meaning/ word(s)/phrase(s) in
column Y. Enter your selection in the “tear-off” ans sheet attached to the ques.
paper, subsequent instructions therein. (1 x 10)
Object A. Is an associative container
Friend function B. Can’t be used to overload operator
Destructor C. Is an operator
Pointer D. Is an insulation of data from direct access by the
Data hiding E. Is not used to create objects
Abstract class F. Can be passed as function argument.
Sub class G. Is a constant
Setw H. Is used to de-allocate memory that was allocated for an
Map I. Is a process of binding of data and functions together
into a single class-type variable
Encapsulation J. Is a variable
K. Has a link to a more general class
L. Is an example of a manipulator
A10.1-R3 Page three of five July, 2006
4. every statement beneath has a blank space to fit 1 of the word(s) or phrase(s) in the list
below. Enter your option in the “tear-off” ans sheet attached to the ques. paper,
subsequent instructions therein. (1 x 10)
A. Lifetime B. Ostream C. Calling
D. Structures E. 1 F. Abstract class
G. 2 H. Class name I. Private
J. Default constructor K. Class L. Constant
M. Visibility N. Variable O. Void
4.1 A(n) _______ is user described data type, which holds both the data and function.
4.2 Member functions described inside a class specifier are _______ by default.
4.3 Storage classes concerned with the lifetime are ________ of a variable.
4.4 A function that doesn’t return anything has return kind ___________.
4.5 Character ‘A’ occupies _______bytes.
4.6 Sending a message to an object is identical as ________ member function.
4.7 Data and member function are public in _________ but private in classes, by default.
4.8 A constructor’s name is the identical as _________.
4.9 Cerr and clog are standard streams of type_________.
4.10 An address of a variable is ________.
A10.1-R3 Page four of five July, 2006
(Answer any 4 questions)
a) discuss polymorphism and data hiding in c++ with suitable examples.
b) What happens if we don’t use virtual function in inheritance? discuss importance of virtual function
with this reference.
c) discuss with suitable example pointer to object. How can we access function or variable with the
help of pointer to object?
a) What is an abstract class? How do you create an abstract class? discuss it using example.
b) discuss copy constructor with example. What is its use?
c) Write a program for class implementation, which takes an age, name and salary of employee.
Use a constructor for initialization of objects. describe a destructor.
a) Write a class number. compute the power to be raised of that number.
b) describe a class publisher that stores the name of the title and a different class, sales, which
stores number of sales for 3 months. Derive 2 classes: book and tape, which inherit from
both publisher and sales. describe functions in the improper classes to get and print the
c) Distinguish clearly ranging from scanf() & printf() in cin & cout in C++.
a) discuss operator overloading with example.
b) What is inline function? How does it differ from ordinary function? discuss merits and demerits of
c) Create a class month for taking a birth date ranging from one to 12 month and display it.
a) discuss the difference ranging from private, protected and public access scope with respect to the
class itself, its derived class and its object.
b) discuss the technique of kind conversion from 1 class kind to a different class kind with
c) discuss the use of other than in handling in C++ program developed. Illustrate with example.
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