DOEACC Society 2006 DOEACC A Level - A10.1-R3 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
Thursday, 13 June 2013 07:10Web
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1. There are 2 PARTS in this Module/Paper. PART 1 contains 4 ques.
and PART 2 contains 5 ques..
2. PART 1 is to be answered in the TEAR-OFF ans SHEET only, attached to the
ques. paper, as per the instructions contained therein. PART 1 is NOT to be
answered in the ans book.
3. Maximum time allotted for PART 1 is 1 HOUR. ans book for PART 2 will
be supplied at the table when the ans sheet for PART 1 is returned. However,
candidates, who complete PART 1 earlier than 1 hour, can collect the ans
book for PART 2 immediately after handing over the ans sheet for PART ONE.
(PART 1 – 40; PART 2 – 60)
(Answer all the questions)
1. every ques. beneath provide a multiple option of answers. select the most improper
one and enter in the “tear-off” ans sheet attached to the ques. paper, subsequent
instructions therein. (1 x 10)
1.1 Which of the subsequent cannot be passed to a function?
A) Reference variables
B) Objects
C) Header files
D) Array
1.2 Which of the subsequent contains overloaded insertion operator?
A) iostream
B) ostream
C) fstream
D) bufferstream
1.3 Which of the subsequent operator can’t be overloaded?
A) new
B) delete
C) +
D) ?:
1.4 Which of the subsequent is not a visibility modifier?
A) private
B) public
C) Char
D) Protected
A10.1-R3 Page one of five July, 2006
1.5 Operator overloading is called
A) Runtime polymorphism
B) Compile time polymorphism
C) Complex overloading
D) Abstract overloading
1.6 A process of a class can contain object of a different class is called
A) Nesting
B) Friend
C) Data Abstraction
D) Encapsulation
1.7 obtain out the function which defines special task to an operator
A) operate
B) operand
C) operator
D) opfun
1.8 Which of the subsequent is a method which belong to a string class?
A) Equals ( )
B) Compare ( )
C) Length ( )
D) Substring ( )
1.9 Which of the subsequent loop reason the execution of the code at lowest once?
A) While
B) Do…While
C) While…. Do
D) For
1.10Which of the subsequent way are legal to access a class data member using this pointer?
A) this.x
B) *this.x
C) *(this.x)
D) (*this).x
A10.1-R3 Page two of five July, 2006
2. every statement beneath is either actual or FALSE. select the most improper 1 and
ENTER in the “tear-off” sheet attached to the ques. paper, subsequent instructions
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